Fryette Power Station opinions

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So I’ve used my Ho attenuator for about 15 years with my nmv amps. I’ve recorded my amp without it and with, it’s seriously 98% the same tone, so I really like this thing. However, always been looking at the Fryette Power Station. How transparent do you guys think these are? I’ve heard they are and I’ve also heard it’s hard to get your amps normal sound with it, so just seeing what guys are experiencing. The only reason I’d even consider it is if would be cool to have a loop. TIA!
Funny you ask. I was just plugging in the SLO-100 into my PS100. Speaker out (slo) to amp in of PS100. No change in tone of the SLO. The only thing different is the volume. Fucking slick. Tomorrow I’ll plug in the Larry and see how it does as well.
It’s Friday, I practiced a little bit this afternoon so my teacher @Techdeth wouldn’t be pissed at me for being a slouch and now it’s time to drink and eat pizza. Fuck guitar tonight. I wanna watch metal mayhem.
I have the PS-100 and I have used it with every one of my amps (quite a few) and they all sound great through the PS-100.

I feel it makes the amps sound great to a lot better due to the additional tone tweaking options on the PS-100.

I would have majorly regretted selling it last year when I didn't have any amps at home (I only had a few preamps but planned to purchase some amps).

I had considered purchasing a second one for a stereo set-up.
Funny you ask. I was just plugging in the SLO-100 into my PS100. Speaker out (slo) to amp in of PS100. No change in tone of the SLO. The only thing different is the volume. Fucking slick. Tomorrow I’ll plug in the Larry and see how it does as well.
It’s Friday, I practiced a little bit this afternoon so my teacher @Techdeth wouldn’t be pissed at me for being a slouch and now it’s time to drink and eat pizza. Fuck guitar tonight. I wanna watch metal mayhem.
The Larry is like a hot wife that I would spend all my time with but you neglect it got lesser hoes lol
PS-100 owner here. I can hear no discernable difference when using it with any of dozen+ my amps. t\The best part on this is the couple of knobs and switches. In that case it does influence the sound, but in the sense of making your amp sound how it normally does when cranked, but at bedroom volume.

That said, all of my amps are master volume and get the majority of their high gain tone from preamp distortion. So I don't find myself using it much as an attenuator. The MV on my amps work just as well.
What I do use it for is as a power amp for my synergy/MTS setup. This works really well because I find a transparent power amp works the best when using several different styles of modules. A non transparent power amp will work good for some modules, but not all. The PS-100 works perfectly with all.

My other use is for the PS-100 is boosting the volume of my 5 watt Class A amp. The amp by itself isn't enough to keep up with a loud band; or in my case loud backing tracks. The PS-100 adds the volume I need without affecting the tone.
I used the 50-watter with a few Superleads. If you put the switches and knobs right, it seemed transparent enough for me not to notice.
Just got a PS-2 recently. Use it with my Wizard and Superleads, it is great. The loop is pretty killer too.
Which reactive load settings are you guys using on the PS?
I'll be the dissenter.
I tried the 1st and 2nd versions.
I didn't find it to be any better than a master volume at low volumes.
It did change the sounds of some amps, and messed with the attack in a way I didn't like.
I much preferred a ppimv than the PS with my Germino Lead 55. The PS dulled the initial attack. Kinda like playing a Shiva vs a 2203.
The 2 things I liked about it, it would make a low wattage amp louder, and it added an effects loop to amps that didn't have one.
Which reactive load settings are you guys using on the PS?
Depends on the amp and speaker cab I use. Always the middle or up position.

Today anyway I have it plugged into the Ampeg System Switcher. Switching between four different 4x12 cabs. So I find myself using the PS-100 to fine tune the sound more than trying to be transparent.
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I got both the 50 watt version and the 100. Use them all the time. With my PRS Hendrix 100 watt head, it allowed me to run the amp at 8 and keep the volume down.
I had the 2-channel (PS-100?) early this year and found it did change the sound of my old SLO to my ears, kind of gave it an exaggerated recorded-on-album sound. It failed on me, however, fortunately not catastrophically for my SLO.

First and last with an attenuator.
Love my PS2. Not that it matters, but Lynch was using one at the recent Whiskey shows. They work and work well.
I am selling mine. Just doesn't do it for me and I don't care about the loop feature. My Marshall Power Brake sounds way better to my ears.
I like my PS-100, but I think that anytime you add something to your chain there's bound to be some compromise.
Ive had the PS-2 for a while now and agree with all the positive comments the others are making.
I use mine flat across the board. Seems pretty transparent to me...
I have a PS-2. They’re very good but I found it coloured the sound slightly, or maybe the feel a bit (it’s been a while). I don’t use mine because all my amps are master volume and although you have to treat some of those volume knobs like you’re breaking into a safe, I can get them all to a decent level for home use without too much trouble.