I've got to downsize my gear collection a bit. The Ares is certainly a menacing metal machine. It can smooth up and do liquid-like lead tones with the use of the various switches, one of which smooths the mids out. It's got two switchable channels that you can set up in any manner of ways to get multiple tones. Both channels can be set the same. Or you can set them up in any combination of clean, crunch, rhythm, lead, and various flavors of each. For example, you can set one to be super angry aggressive modern metal and the other more of a smoother, chewy sound. The FX Loop on KSR amps is also fantastic. The best one I've ever used. It can also use whatever tubes you want (EL34, 6L6, 6550, KT88, KT77, KT66, 5881, etc.).
My plan right now is to only have two amps: Hiwatt and one of my personal builds. I just don't have room for 5 amps at the moment. I can always get another KSR.