One of the originals. MKIII xformers, pre-500 serial number. This one has a bit of provenance (if that means anything to you) as it was originally owned by Richard Kruspe of Rammstein and includes a COA. The amp was just gone through at Todd Sharpe's shop and given a clean bill of health. Loud and massive sounding!
$2750 pp plus actual shipping.
Not really looking for anything as a trade other than a nice 335 style guitar or Wizard amp, but lmk if you have something nice to offer. Worst I can say is no.
I asked Richard that and he couldn't remember. The tech at Todd Sharpe's said it's a fine tune of the bias. Not an external bias exactly, but enough range you can take it from colder to hotter biased from an external knob. I've played with it some and don't notice a ton of difference even at extremes. I can maybe hear something, but I could also be fooling myself. It's subtle.