Man, I know this situation well…I sold and moved nearly every piece of gear I had save a few earlier this year. Slowly but surely over the year I worked on getting those items back. It honestly felt like I was selling chunks of my soul getting rid of my gear. Don’t go overboard, see what you can manage to keep, if it means a lot to you then keep it if you can. I sold things for less than what they were worth and sometimes had to pay more to get them back. Keep it in mind at least.
Sorry about the divorce, man. I'm divorced too. It happens and you'll get over it but it will take 2-3 years for you to feel 100% back to normal.
Good news about having no wife is no one to stop your gear acquisitions! People ask me all the time how I got all the amps and guitars in my collection. I always tell them the same thing: "No wife and no kids."