Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: prs Archon number 4 of 10 made for namm and other shows
Modifications (if anynone
Accessories (hardshell case etcnone
Location (City,State or City,Countryauburn ny
International OK? : no
Contact Info (No Phone #s)dm me here
References (eBay or other forum useriddxjxrose ebay and reverb
Price (include currency and if firm/obo1400
Would like to trade for other higain boutique type amps
Modifications (if anynone
Accessories (hardshell case etcnone
Location (City,State or City,Countryauburn ny
International OK? : no
Contact Info (No Phone #s)dm me here
References (eBay or other forum useriddxjxrose ebay and reverb
Price (include currency and if firm/obo1400
Would like to trade for other higain boutique type amps