G12-65 vs V30 vs G12H30 vs EVH...

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I recently bought a 50w 5150III and flat out love the amp through my Splawn 4x12 loaded with an X of V30s and G12H30s. I tried it with one of my Splawn 4x12s that has all V30s and I don't like it through that, way too dark and almost muffled sounding. I also tried it through my '79 Marshall cab with original G12-65s and I like that least of all, way too hollow and bright.

So the question...if I hate it with all V30s and all G12-65s but Like the V30/H30 X pattern will I like the EVH cab with the EVH speakers (I was considering buying one) or should I just convert my other Splawn cabs to V30/H30 X patterns? Where do the EVH speakers fall in the tonal spectrum? I'm hoping they fall between the G12-65 and V30 in terms of highs, lows and mids (in general) just like mixing the H30 and V30 sort of evens out the overall EQ of the cab.

So anyone have any experience with all of them by chance?

from what i have heard the evh cab is amazing and the speakers sound amazing. i would just pull the trigger on the evh speakers.
The EVH speakers in the 4x12's are relabeled Heritage Greenbacks (I don't know about the 1x12 and 2x12).

The EVH greenies will be nowhere near as tight/articulate as the V30/G12H mix. It will be spongier and more compressed.......I'm just talking speakers, as I haven't used them in the EVH cab.

Here's how I would compare the EVH to the following:

V30 - EVH will be "slightly" brighter, less bass, more "honk", smoother

G12H - EVH will be much darker, much less bass, and broader mids, smoother again

G12-65 (I've only used the Heritage reissue versions) - the EVH will be closest in EQ and feel to this speaker. Same bass response (unless cranked), same broad/squishy mids and pretty similar on the high end.
I'm going through this with my 2x12. I am convinced that the G12 30 ANNIVERSARY / V30 mix will KILL with this amp. My buddy plays his 5153 50W through a Mesa 2x12 with V30's and it cuts, but can be a bit harsh. I have 2 G12H Anniversary's in my 2x12 and my thumps and has a bit more range, so we are going to swap speakers and get the best of both worlds. I'll update once we do that.
This is a bit of an old thread and since I posted the question I bought an EVH 4x12 and still have 3 Splawn 4x12s that have V30/H30 X patterns in them and I've told you to try the V30/H30 combo a few times now in the many threads you've started on the amp, cabs and speakers. Not sure why you bumped my old thread to tell me from back in May what I already told you a week or so ago to try after I told you I tried various cabs and speakers with the head in your thread. :confused: :lol: :LOL:
I find it hard to believe G12-65's are brighter than either G12H's or V30's. G12-65's are a very dark, smooth speaker. They are essentially a higher power handling version of the G12M Greenback, with a larger dust cover which reduces the high-end. I have a V30 cab, a Greenback cab, and a G12-65 cab. And I've A/B'd against H30's as well. To my ears, the 65's were the darkest.
If you have the coin I would get a quad of Scumback Blackback H75 LHDC. Best Scums I have played and maybe my favorite speaker to date. Great articualtion, no cone cry, tight low end and rich top end and mids. These speakers are outstanding. I figured I would buy them and then sell but they are staying and I have zero desire for four months now to try anything else.
65's are definitely brighter than V30's and definitely less bright than G12H30's.........they fall right in the middle.
EyesOfTheSouth":1i5xu502 said:
65's are definitely brighter than V30's and definitely less bright than G12H30's.........they fall right in the middle.

Well then we each must have magic sets of 65's. Because they are as surely darker than my V30's as they are definitively brighter than yours. ;)
I have the EVH cab and a 74 Marshall loaded with Creambacks with the Mini and it just sounds incredible!! The Vin 30's are to harsh and can't comment on the others but the EVH speakers are perfect!!
My 65's are also a lil darker and smoother then any V30 I've used.