Get High or Get Drunk?

Get High or Get Drunk?

  • Get high

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • Get drunk

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Get high and drunk

    Votes: 14 37.8%

  • Total voters
Surely the poll should have the options:
  • Get high
  • Get drunk
  • Get high and drunk
As it stands, the only options are "yes" and "no", which makes no sense given the thread's title, "Get High or Get Drunk?".

Bugger it, I'm gonna fix the poll, capitalise the title, move the thread and make it a sticky. I'm obviously not drunk and have nothing better to do. :LOL:
Surely the poll should have the options:
  • Get high
  • Get drunk
  • Get high and drunk
As it stands, the only options are "yes" and "no", which makes no sense given the thread's title, "Get High or Get Drunk?".

Bugger it, I'm gonna fix the poll, capitalise the title, move the thread and make it a sticky. I'm obviously not drunk and have nothing better to do. :LOL:
Seems like I was both when I created the thread 😂
I only drink socially these days and frankly, I’m surprised because I was within inches of checking myself into a detox/rehab center in my late 20’s.

Take a few hits off my bubbler after work but since weed tends to make me sleepy, I have to be careful because I can go from “Let’s smoke some weed and get in the studio“ to “Let’s smoke some weed and pass the fuck out” really quick.

My substance of choice is hallucinogens, LSD or mushrooms. Every major life decision I have made in the last 11 years has been formulated, realized or decided on during or after a trip. I don’t use it as a party drug and find that to be a waste, I prefer to do it alone and will spend the week or two prior focusing on what I want to achieve with the trip and the things I want to focus on. It’s what got me to realize why I was drinking like I was in my 20’s and provided the answers to resolving the issues that were causing it. Previous to using hallucinogens, my life was dominated by circumstances rather than my choices. It’s allowed me to create a life for myself I’m 100% content with and when I need to hit a reset switch and figure out what changes I need to make to allow myself to maintain that 100%, it does it a hell of a lot faster and more effectively than any therapy or self-help book ever has…..and I’ve dumped a LOT of time and money into both those things.

That said, there’s plenty of room during a 6-8 hour trip for some fun. I decorated my apartment to look like a Floyd concert in the jungle, there’s a shitload of LED’s, lasers and vine plants in it. This past weekend was the first time I got to watch the PULSE DVD in 5.1 and goddamn, there were points where I couldn’t differentiate between being at the show and being in my living room. When the stage lights would match the colors of the LED’s or the lasers were doing the same thing on the screen as they were in my living room…..holy fucking shit that was a blast.