Gibson SG Special, why so cheap?


New member
I've seen sg specials ranging from £520-£700, what i want to know is why are they so cheap? Its strange, they're proper gibson's but at an affordable price, i might get one, they seem to have good reviews to...... oh well, reply's much appreciated.
No binding and limited inlays. 490 pickups, so not the "59's" or "buckbusters" But they use then on a lot of more expensive guitars too. They sound killer! I have a special gothic (same thing, just black) and love it. Make sure you play b/f you buy, gibson has questionable qc.
i think i might try it in a local shop, say i might buy it, then get it off the net for cheaper! :D :D
^ that wouldn't really address the (alleged) dodgy qc, though... the one you try in the shop might be fine, but the one you order might not be.
yeah suppose, just i seen one on the net with gig bag and a tonne load of other stuff, local shop i'd be lucky if they even give me the receipt.
You may be surprised, a lot of stores price match depending on where you go. If you do find one up to your standards, throw a low ball offer out there. If they don't take it, leave. Come back the next day, throw another low offer at it. Rinse, repeat.
yeah, i mean it wasn't a gibbo, but once i mentioned "internet", a local shop was prepared to meet me halfway on my valve junior head. which was pretty much as cheap as I could have got it off the net, considering I'd have had to pay postage, and they rip you off on postage from mainland UK to northern ireland. EDIT: and as far as I know, they don't claim to "price match".

if they realise you're serious about purchasing, and also serious about walking away and/or purchasing elsewhere if you save enough, you'd be surprised what could happen.