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i recently bought one of these thingies:

the "problem" i'm trying to fix with this is that i can't bend for shit with my pinky. any experiences with those?
stanbog":4c38a said:
i recently bought one of these thingies:

the "problem" i'm trying to fix with this is that i can't bend for shit with my pinky. any experiences with those?

i bought one for the same reason, I havent been using it as often as i like though! im going to start using it daily!
I have one of those. I honestly don't think it helped my bending at all. Maybe I needed the high tension model?? :?
Eh. I don't think any of those things really help all that much. Maybe when you're starting out to build up some strength in the fingers a little.. I have some crazy double jointingness going on in my pinky fingers, that I thought when I started guitar it'd be the one thing holding me back. So that was one thing I really worked on. Now when I play, it's just like any other finger. So just practice. Nothing is better than practicing the guitar to get better at the guitar IMO.
IMO those are bullshit. Just think about it: When you watch your favorite players play most of them look like their fingers glide effortlessly around the fingerboard. As little movement and only as much strength that is needed to hold the string to the fret (which is very little). Why would you need stronger fingers for that?

For bending with the pinky, just use your other fingers to help with it so then it won't be a strength issue but just getting used to using the pinky for bends.
You can increase your hand strength just as well by crumpling up newspaper pages one handed.

My pinky bends need work but they get better the more I practice.
LaXu":93eb0 said:
IMO those are bullshit. Just think about it: When you watch your favorite players play most of them look like their fingers glide effortlessly around the fingerboard. As little movement and only as much strength that is needed to hold the string to the fret (which is very little). Why would you need stronger fingers for that?

For bending with the pinky, just use your other fingers to help with it so then it won't be a strength issue but just getting used to using the pinky for bends.

i agree with you that as little movement as possible is actually the way to go. what i meant was probably something else: when i'm playing some wankage up and down the fretboard my hand gets tired. i thought that by training my fingers they would get less tired. so basically it's not the holding the string to the fret i want to improve, but being able to play fast solos for a longer time without getting sloppy. if that makes sense :?

thanx for the tip with the pinky :wink:
Again the Gripmaster wouldn't help. The reason you get tired when playing fast for extended periods is that when you're playing at your limits your hands are not relaxed. So try to conciously relax your hands when you play and you shouldn't get tired.
i see now what you mean. gotta work on that. thanx for the input.
I heard those aren't good for the tendons in your hands either, though I have no cooncrete proof of that. Its just something that someone told me at one point when I was thinking of getting one.
relaxation is the key! of course you WILL get tired from time to time, even if relaxed, because you have to build up your endurance. its like any other muscles...after time they get tired because youre using the fuel in their cells, and when you get low, you get weak and tired. the more you do this though, the more you will build up your muscle's endurance and the longer you can go without tiring. play, play, play!

and pinky bends are pretty hard to do...your pinky is hte weakest finger, and even with help from your other fingers its still tough to get it right, but it can be done...just gotta work on it. thats the ONLY way to get better...practice and play man. work on stuff that is hard for you, and it will make you improve.
my teach gave me one of those, very good on a long trip.
heheh I used to have one of those

the main thing I learned is that if you want to get better at playing guitar, you play more guitar
you guys are kinda handling this as if i said: "i'm gonna stop playing for 3 months now and i'm gonna train with the gripmaster. then i'll come back to playing and i'll be smokin."
