Good afternoon. My new (to me) 5150II has a full complement of Sovtek preamp tubes. I have a Peavey Rockmaster preamp that has been sitting for 20 years in my rack. I don't use it any more because it has become less than reliable - I think some of the relays in it don't work right. It still has the tubes in it that were there when I bought it used. One is labeled "Groove Tube 12AX7R (ECC83/7025)". The next is labeled "Groove Tube Fender 12AX7A", and the other two are labeled "Grove Tube 12AX7A". Anyone know what tubes Groove Tube was using in the mid Nineties or earlier? Is their any reall difference depending upon the labeling? Would any of these be an upgrade to the sovteks, or are they likely relabeled soviet tubes?