I'm still scratching my head on this one. We were about to start our set and I fired up the D-Moll. I was getting a really weak signal, like no gain. I switched from my wireless to a cable and it was fine...so I changed out the batteries and all seemed to be good. About three songs into the set, my guitar tone cut out. I turned around and the D-Moll was on muting. I got it switched back over only to have the power to my board cut out (and wireless box). I switched back to the cable and all seemed to be fine. Then about two or three more times, it seems like the MIDI was stuck on a preset and the amp had the muting function activated. I think I was cutting out from the power cutting from my wireless but I'm really puzzled why the MIDI became unresponsive. It all was happening so fast but I think I was unable to manually change the channel/mute/etc. on the front of the amp either. I was powering the MIDI device via phantom power but I didn't think to pull out the cable and see if the MIDI was just hanging up or what. I'm not sure if the venue power was dirty or if that would even have an effect on the channel switching/MIDI. When I got back home, everything seemed to be functioning normal, although it was late so I had it on very low volume. Any ideas on what could have happened from a technical standpoint? Again, it was all happening so fast that my recollection is a bit fuzzy...so it could have been user error if there isn't anything glaring functionality-wise.