Hagen making a whooshing sound

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Green Pro Am

I have had my Hagen for a few months now and love it. This past weekend when I was playing, it began to make a whooshing sound when I was playing. When playing the sound is less noticeable, but when you stop it sounds like you are at the beach. It does not make the noise when on standby. I am guessing it is a tube problem. I replaced the first three pre-amp tubes (closest to the input jack) with no luck. I obviously need to continue replacing the others, but I am leaning towards taking it to a tech to get it checked out.

Anyone else experience something similar? Did it turn out to be pre-amp or power tubes? Or was it something worse.

Good thing I have yet to unload my Mark V!
Green Pro Am":2kt0re8m said:
I have had my Hagen for a few months now and love it. This past weekend when I was playing, it began to make a whooshing sound when I was playing. When playing the sound is less noticeable, but when you stop it sounds like you are at the beach. It does not make the noise when on standby. I am guessing it is a tube problem. I replaced the first three pre-amp tubes (closest to the input jack) with no luck. I obviously need to continue replacing the others, but I am leaning towards taking it to a tech to get it checked out.

Anyone else experience something similar? Did it turn out to be pre-amp or power tubes? Or was it something worse.

Good thing I have yet to unload my Mark V!

Mark V has NOTHING on the hagen imo. Check the power tubes. Could be the power where you are playing at. One day out of the blue ALL of my amps started to do that at my house sometimes and it's super annoying but when I take them to a friends house or use a line regulator (not a power conditioner) it doesn't do it. If you have some extra power tubes laying about pop them in there and see what happens. If it still does it take it to a buddys house and see what happens. What really aggravates me is my Herbert likes to pickup radio stations when I'm reamping....
Agreed. The Mark has been relegated to back up status.

Going to bring it to a tech this weekend. Fingers crossed that it is just the tubes.
Green Pro Am":1r8uj2b4 said:
Agreed. The Mark has been relegated to back up status.

Going to bring it to a tech this weekend. Fingers crossed that it is just the tubes.

Hey if you have some other power tubes pop them in and maybe save yourself a bench fee.
Green Pro Am":27cqfdzh said:
I have had my Hagen for a few months now and love it. This past weekend when I was playing, it began to make a whooshing sound when I was playing. When playing the sound is less noticeable, but when you stop it sounds like you are at the beach. It does not make the noise when on standby. I am guessing it is a tube problem. I replaced the first three pre-amp tubes (closest to the input jack) with no luck. I obviously need to continue replacing the others, but I am leaning towards taking it to a tech to get it checked out.

Anyone else experience something similar? Did it turn out to be pre-amp or power tubes? Or was it something worse.

Good thing I have yet to unload my Mark V!

Just to double-check, "the beach" is there even with nothing else in signal chain except guitar and cab? No pedals or processors in loop or in-front. How about if you unplug your guitar from input as well?
New tubes are "out for delivery". Hopefully this does the trick!
i.ak":2zefet8h said:
Green Pro Am":2zefet8h said:
I have had my Hagen for a few months now and love it. This past weekend when I was playing, it began to make a whooshing sound when I was playing. When playing the sound is less noticeable, but when you stop it sounds like you are at the beach. It does not make the noise when on standby. I am guessing it is a tube problem. I replaced the first three pre-amp tubes (closest to the input jack) with no luck. I obviously need to continue replacing the others, but I am leaning towards taking it to a tech to get it checked out.

Anyone else experience something similar? Did it turn out to be pre-amp or power tubes? Or was it something worse.

Good thing I have yet to unload my Mark V!

Just to double-check, "the beach" is there even with nothing else in signal chain except guitar and cab? No pedals or processors in loop or in-front. How about if you unplug your guitar from input as well?

I like to pretend on this forum alot and just assume that people are smart enough to do the BASIC trouble shooting before making a thread about it. I have been wrong many times though.....

I agree with you Alex and assume this is the case here. However, it wouldn't be the first time to find myself saying "assumption is the mother of all f'ck-ups". In my opinion, ruling out the basic stuff saves some trouble from all parties involved and I would definitely include a step of 'test with new tubes' in the 'basic trouble shooting' before raising a new thread. But there are members with different level of experience on these problems so all threads and questions should be warmly welcome - Of course asking the same question (like cab connections and Ohms) over and over again makes no sense.
i.ak":204vlupz said:
I agree with you Alex and assume this is the case here. However, it wouldn't be the first time to find myself saying "assumption is the mother of all f'ck-ups". In my opinion, ruling out the basic stuff saves some trouble from all parties involved and I would definitely include a step of 'test with new tubes' in the 'basic trouble shooting' before raising a new thread. But there are members with different level of experience on these problems so all threads and questions should be warmly welcome - Of course asking the same question (like cab connections and Ohms) over and over again makes no sense.

Agreed. Btw... I can hook up a 4 ohm cab to a 16 ohm output right?? :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
New power tubes did the trick.

I plug straight in and tried multiple cables/guitars.

Glad to be back in business. The Mark and my 5150 can go back to being paper weights.
Glad this got resolved. What tubes did you go with?

Uncle Mo
Yes, what Uncle Mo said...what tubes did you throw in and how do you like them? Please list you pre's as well, thanks. Glad you are back to RAWKING :rock:
I made no change to the pre-amp tubes. I replaced the power tubes with another set of JJ KT77s.

I have not had it biased yet. I just popped the tubes in to see if it was a tube issue. I have heard differing points of view on whether or not I should have it re-biased given that the replacement tubes are the same type as the original. I was planning on having it done to be on the safe side. Sounds great as is.
Green Pro Am":2vdbdpof said:
I made no change to the pre-amp tubes. I replaced the power tubes with another set of JJ KT77s.

I have not had it biased yet. I just popped the tubes in to see if it was a tube issue. I have heard differing points of view on whether or not I should have it re-biased given that the replacement tubes are the same type as the original. I was planning on having it done to be on the safe side. Sounds great as is.

Who ever told you that you don't need to rebias them because they are they same type as the original does not know what they are talking about. Do not listen to them. It NEEDS to be rebiased. The amp needs to be biased every so often as well due to "drift". as the tubes get older they change. You bought a matched quad (hopefully lol) of JJ kt 77's which is the same as the old tubes that where in the amp but it would be a modern day miracle if the new tubes are matched for the same ratings as the old ones are and even if they were there is NO WAY that you wouldn't have to get it rebiased.
bananaladonpcp":2y6zx3m2 said:
Who ever told you that you don't need to rebias them because they are they same type as the original does not know what they are talking about.
Yep. Even if "most" of the variables are as closely matched as possible (ie: PV) the glass STLL needs to be re-biased when installed. Fact, fact, fact.

Just get 'er done.

Uncle Mo
you wouldn't have to bias if you bought a matched octett (8) and changed four of them with the remaining four... that yes. in that case these 8 tubes are somewhat the same (within tolerances).

but changing one matched quartett (4) of jj's with another matched quad (4) of jj's without biasing is no good idea.