Hagen will not program to MFC-101 (video added)

  • Thread starter Thread starter donniecrump
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So I finally got a midi controller and can't seem to get my Hagen to program to accept program changes.

Here is what I have tried so far.

Resetting the MFC-101 to factory.
Turning off Af-FX mode. Mode is in NONE.
Tested the program #. First bank is P000, P001, P002, P003, P004

My 7 pin phantom cable will be here soon so I bought a 5 pin and used the power supply. Does the Hagen 100% require a 7 pin?
Firmware is 3.08

There must be something small I am missing.

So I think I figured out Omni mode. The manual says the lights should flash but mine does not. Unless this is not Omni mode.

Not sure if this helps but I have the #6 Hagen amp. Not sure if some functionality changed in later iterations.

When I hold down mute .. mas2, mute, loop, and store will either light up or be dark.
I can then, while still holding mute down, use the Mas2 to turn them on and off. I am not sure if this is Omni mode on and off or not. Or neither.

I recorded some video of what I am doing. Hope this helps.

In the video you can see me programming then switching to channel 2 manually. When I click P000 the channel stays in 2 when it should have gone to one.

The first part of the video I am turning on and off what I think is omni mode.

Read your manual again. There is a way to turn on omni mode. Once it's actually in omni mode, then you can begin to program patches.
I read it over and over. That is what I was doing in the beginning of the video. The only thing is mine does not flash. They either turn on or off. I have also tried the self programming feature where you hold down mute and change the preset and release the mute. This is supposed to automatically find the channel. I have also tried to change the P000 to channel 2 and set the amp to respond to channel 2. Still no good.

The Omni mode will allow reading of MIDI information on all 16 channels. It is an easy way
to get into the MIDI system but it is not advisable if more MIDI partners on different
channels are in the same system. Then a certain MIDI channel should be assigned to the
Hagen and its program changes should be restricted to this channel (See 7.4.2). To put the
amp into the Omni mode, hold the “Mute” switch down and activate the “Master 2” switch
quickly and then release the mute switch. The Mute, Master 2, Loop and Store LED’s will
now blink to verify that the Omni mode is being accepted. This function needs to be
disabled under some circumstances in order to use single mode automatic or single mode
Then sounds like there might be something wrong with the midi chip. Probably best to email Peter Diezel.
I had a MFC-101 also and it didn´t work with the factory reset.
I had to go through the manual.

Please check out an other midi pedal first.

If there is no chance to solve the issue, send an email
to service (at) diezelamplification (dot) com

Ok ... I didn´t see all the LED´s on your video.

Be sure that the channel LED´s are off when you program the Omni mode.

Go to program "1" on your midi pedal.
Engage channel 1 on the Hagen.
Push store twice

Go to program "2" on your midi pedal.
Engage channel 2 on the Hagen.
Push store twice.

Now switch between program "1" and "2" on your midi pedal.
The amp should switch between channel 1 and 2.

If not, there is an issue with your midi pedal.

Problem with the MFC is that it sends a zilion midi info.
What you badly need is something like a MIDI monitor to first check what the MFC is sending on what channel.
Then you can monitor your programming and slowly kill the unneeded MIDI info.
That would be mine advice.

I sold my MFC long ago. To heavy, bulky en expensive. Changed to Daelectronics iCTRL-mini
So I figured it out. Took a day to test it but here is the 411. It was in fact something small.

It was the setting in the MFC manual chapter 3.2 Selecting a port. I read over this a few times but I thought it meant the port that talks specifically to an AXE-FX unit. This is actually the port on the back of the unit itself. I switched it from Expansion to MIDI and viola .. it worked.

Now there was one catch. When I got everything programmed and started testing I noticed my Hagen would switch to the wrong preset randomly. So if I switched from P1 to P2 I may get channel 1 then channel 2. However; the next time I might get channel 1 then channel 3 even though I selected P1 and P2. So why?

This is where omni mode came into play. My amp was in omni mode when I got the MFC talking so I decided to take it out of omni and make sure everything was in channel 1. Turns out that fixed the random switching issues. I don't think this is an issue with the amp. I think it due to the MFC sending more than just simple preset change codes. I will have to look at maybe turning off some other things in the footswitch. I may actually hook the MFC to my computer an use midi-ox to find out what is being sent.

I will add another post to this thread with a quick ABC of getting an MF-101 quickly working with a Hagen in case anyone else has this issue and stumbles across this thread.

Thanks for all the help,