Hair Metal fans, what's your favorite amp?

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What's your favorite amp for playing hair metal? LPMojo's riffage in this video sounds just like what tone I am looking for so obviously the BE 100 will do it.. but what else will? And hey, what riff is that he is playing? @LPMojoGL great playing. I've seen that you have gone through a lot of amps. Have you found a favorite yet?

The basic 80't tone is pretty easy to achieve with lots of amps. Started to list the ones I have used and realized that with the right goose up front (when needed of course) you can hit that tone with just about anything without breaking the bank if you wanted to.
That did sound good. Will the new DSLs do this?
Yes. I had a DSL100HR for a couple years and it was all over that tone. I do prefer the Pandora modded 2203X that I have now over the DSL but that is just a preference thing.
The basic 80't tone is pretty easy to achieve with lots of amps. Started to list the ones I have used and realized that with the right goose up front (when needed of course) you can hit that tone with just about anything without breaking the bank if you wanted to.
What pedal(s) would you recommend? How about cabs and speakers.. does that matter? I've got a Jet City JCA22 and the Laney Ironheart Studio and they sound good but don't have what I am looking for when it comes to that sound. It will do it but not hit that sweet spot I hear in the video I posted.
Yes. I had a DSL100HR for a couple years and it was all over that tone. I do prefer the Pandora modded 2203X that I have now over the DSL but that is just a preference thing.
That's good because it is a very affordable amp.
Anything Marshall-based will get the job done; just add a pedal or two if needed. Another option is a Marshall 3203 Artist; I’ve seen a few that are still under 500. They are 30w EL34 power with a solid state front end. Made during the mid 80s
You could take a DSL, grab a Rocktron Intellifex for 150-ish bucks and have a setup that would do all the Hair Metal tones your heart could desire.

You can go down a million rabbit holes, and spend a lot of money, but they aren't going to get you some miracle tone compared to that setup, and you could probably get a DSL, cab and the Rocktron for less than 1K USD all together.
The only problem with dsls is reliability issues I've seen from some friends and bandmates, keep blowing power tubes etc. That's why I didn't recommend it.
You could also find a used marshall jmp1 and a poweramp if you're into the rack thing. Add the Rocktron Intellifex for some basic effects and you're golden.
What's your favorite amp for playing hair metal? LPMojo's riffage in this video sounds just like what tone I am looking for so obviously the BE 100 will do it.. but what else will? And hey, what riff is that he is playing? @LPMojoGL great playing. I've seen that you have gone through a lot of amps. Have you found a favorite yet?

Hey man!
Blast from the past. I made that stuff up. I think I stole the idea from something Mark Day played in a clip one time, then just made stuff up around it. I still play something similar today when demoing amp, and it's changed a bit.
These days I'm playing a Mesa .50 Caliber Plus. Super budget friendly and brings the tone.
I also have in my possession a 1982 Marshall Anniversary 2204 that's a beast. Best sounding 2204 I've ever heard. It can do this kind of thing with a pedal pushing it.
I'll make a quick chitty phone clip:
Hey man!
Blast from the past. I made that stuff up. I think I stole the idea from something Mark Day played in a clip one time, then just made stuff up around it. I still play something similar today when demoing amp, and it's changed a bit.
These days I'm playing a Mesa .50 Caliber Plus. Super budget friendly and brings the tone.
I also have in my possession a 1982 Marshall Anniversary 2204 that's a beast. Best sounding 2204 I've ever heard. It can do this kind of thing with a pedal pushing it.
I'll make a quick chitty phone clip:

Oh man, I was hoping that riff was from an 80s band I missed and could queue up on Amazon music and play the heck out of... you need to record that.. it's one of the best riffs I've ever heard.

I don't think I've ever seen or heard you mention that Mesa .50 Caliber. I'll have to look at your videos again. Looks like a nice simple amp but a quick look and I can't find one for sale anywhere.

That 2204 sounds great too but not sure I'm ready to spend that much.

I haven't shopped for an amp in a while and I've never seen this slim pickings before or high prices. Even the DSL is out of stock.
Any decent Marshall flavored amp will do. But I’d go with any of these: JCM800 2204/03, Pexi, or Super Lead. I’d throw the Mesa MKIII in there as well. SLO as well.