Hairline crack lenthwise on fingerboard

Strat N My Stuff

New member
I'm looking at a guitar that has a "1 mm crack running lengthwise on the fingerboard, about two to three frets long, but shifting at the fret???? I figure it is in the fingerboard only, and probably not even a problem, however, I figured those here would be in the know, so I am asking you!

Deal breaker??? Could a fingerboard be replaced at a reasonable cost, supposing I could buy the guitar enough below typical used market price to warrant the effort?

I'm going to try to attach a photo but I haven't done this much so bear with me. I know without a picture it would be hard to comment. I copied the one from evilbay and the enlarged it in word and to my surprise it remained clear. We'll see how it attaches?

Thanks, Jeff


  • untitled.JPG
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I fixed it for you. Next time, right click on the picture and choose 'edit', then save-as your picture as a jpeg on your computer. Forget about Word. Use MSPaint instead.

How much are they asking for that guitar and what kind is it?
This is the item on evilbay:

By my calculation its at a decent price, if the neck isn't an issue. I hope to get back to the computer around the close of the auction to see where it is then, and to check this post to see what folks have said. Thanks, Jeff
Well the auction ended at $1,725, never reached the Reserve, but had 27 bids. I guess the seller didn't have as much concern over the issue as I did, but buyers (me included) feel it should relate to a lower sales price. :gethim:
i'm sorry for late response, but it's damn hard to concentrate on what you're talking about when you have that avatar! :shocked:
We'll I ended up buying it. $1825.00 plus S/H. It is hard to see the spot in question. I don't see it as an issue.

I believe there is an oil or conditioner for the fretboard???? Are those ok to use and would that be likely swell the wood a little thus closing the crack??? I have a RH hygrometer on order in case its a matter of moisture? I'm not in a panic, just trying to cover all bases. Help is appreciated. Jeff
its very common on ebony fingerboards that have been exposed to dryer climates w/o any oil or sweat from playing the guitar. any qualified tech can fix it in 10-20 min. if you won the guitar let it acclimate to your climate for about 3-4 weeks before you take it in for repair. it might close slightly. you never know. wait and see what happens. either way. it can totally be reapired where no one will ever know it was there. hope this helps.
Since buying this guitar I conditioned the fretboard and have given it a few weeks here in NC where the humidity changes constantly and as such it is less likely that the guitar gets dry/wet due to prolonged exposure to one end of the spectrum. While I can still readily spot the issue, because I'm looking for it, I haven't had anyone who has "checked out" the guitar to mention it. So I would say it is a non-issue now.

BTW, the volume pot was scratchy, making noise when adjusted above the half way detent. I figured no problem as I was aware of contact cleaner for such concerns. Turns out that was a BAD IDEA. Melted the pots insides. Fortunately, Taylor Guitars is a standup, top quality co. with excellent customer service. I called and even though I'm not the "original purchaser" they sent me out priority mail a new pre-amp board. Only thing is no warranty install, but I should be able to handle this. Three pot retainers and a ribbon plug. How does that saying go......All is well that ends well. :)