E esizer Member Dec 30, 2013 #1 I'm just wondering if the Einstein has been the same through all of its production years.
P phil b Well-known member Jan 3, 2014 #2 From what I understand, on the earlier amps channel one, mode 2 and 3 are shared in the board.. this was changed and the later runs. So if you want a separate gain installed for mode 2 and 3, go for a later version.
From what I understand, on the earlier amps channel one, mode 2 and 3 are shared in the board.. this was changed and the later runs. So if you want a separate gain installed for mode 2 and 3, go for a later version.
Peter Diezel Well-known member Jan 3, 2014 #3 Sorry, there is no big change over the years. Best, Peter