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I have a a 4212 Tourmaster and tonight at rehearsal all of the sudden no warning, no strange sounds just lost my sound so I looked back and the lights were out. So i started to check power at the outlet and and had power so I turned off the Egnater and started to look for evidence of why lights and no sound. Pulled the back off, nothing really smells and all tubes appear normal. so I pulled the chassis out and started checking all the little fuses while looking for anything obvious. Nothing all fuses checked out good. So I am stumped...what happened??? Any Ideas? Please help with suggestions its my only amp and I gotta gig. Is there any circuit breaker or a power fuse maybe Im not seeing? Itis my dream amp and I cant fathom not having it for rehearsal tomorrow or my gig. Does the Power Tranny act like this...gawd I hope not!! Thanks for anything you can help me with.
:no: :cry:
Did you check the fuse on the back of the amp where the power cord plugs in?
That's your mains fuse....also...try a different power cord...
I did check my power cord but to be honest I blew right past that fuse I will take a look at that fuse ....Forgot the location was at the cord. To eliminate a power tube, can I turn on the amp to check the Transformer with the power tubes removed just for a few seconds so I don't blow another fuse and then eliminate the power tubes?
Doubt if it's the power tubes. Usually they'll take out the B+ fuse but your lights will still be on. The mains fuse will blow from the power feeding it, so that is your likely starting place. Although I do believe you can pull the power tubes and turn it on and see if the mains will blow again. Better let someone else chime in to confirm. You may have just had some sort of power surge that took the fuse. Good luck.
Well that main fuse was blown (hard and black) I removed the fuse and then the power tubes...all look really good. Then I insrted a new fuse and turned it on and quick little arc noise and the fuse blew nearly immeadiate. Now I have worked for the power company for 28 years and everytime I refused a bad Transfomer it was quick and hard. So the second thing I had to do was to isolate the secondary and refuse. Can I use the same knowledge on this amp to identify the power trans as the culprit....Hey Nate I will join the crowd and be calling for a replacment transformer I'm sure...... :D ?
I had the same issue with mine. It was not the power transformer. Check your power tubes. If they short, they will take out a few resistors around them, and the only fuse that goes is the main fuse. Mine also took out a voltage regulator. Cheap fix, about $15 in parts, and then you need to buy new power tubes. If it is warranty Egnater will replace them under repair. Call Nate.
Email sent. Just keep others in the loop, he could have two scenarios. One, his power tubes went bad, and took out some resistors. The other, is that the tranny is bad. If the resistors are blown, we will get together on the phone and i will walk him through checking the power section resistors, comparing the values with mine. If they are good, a tranny is in order. If the power tubes were the culprit, i can write up the common resistors to check and maybe we can post a faq for you guys.
I will be getting with ya Monday thanks for the quick response!! :D
I also doubt if it's the output tubes. It would be quite unusual for shorted output tube to blow the mains fuse and not the B+ fuse. The fact that you removed the tubes and the fuse still blew, strongly indicates the power transformer. My Twkr 40 had the same problem, and yes it was the power transformer. :m9: :lame:
Yep I agree after talking and testing. Egnater left me out in the cold so should have one Thursday that I had to buy on my own. Go read my JUNK post for details...But I aint done yelling for a while on this BS :gethim:

Thanks for the reply.