Help!!! New tubes in vh4

  • Thread starter Thread starter animusofabbas
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Hey guys i need alittle help. I wanna change my stock 6l6's in my vh4. Im thinking eaither 6550;s or el 34's. I tune down to c# and drop b im in a metal band. Im not too worried about my clean due to the fact i dont use it too much. I dont use that much dist. 12-2 on channel 3, 11-1 on 4.

1)Differences between the two tubes in a metal type setting. Tinny, warm, sterile, Etc..
2) WHich type of tube to get (winged c el34 groove tubes 6550 etc)
3)Whats the wattage when biasing, the Ma i belive its called. This way i can relay it to my tech so there is no confusion
4) What switch do i use if i go with 6550's.

Thanks guys.
animusofabbas":2tedz1e7 said:
Hey guys i need alittle help. I wanna change my stock 6l6's in my vh4. Im thinking eaither 6550;s or el 34's. I tune down to c# and drop b im in a metal band. Im not too worried about my clean due to the fact i dont use it too much. I dont use that much dist. 12-2 on channel 3, 11-1 on 4.

1)Differences between the two tubes in a metal type setting. Tinny, warm, sterile, Etc..
2) WHich type of tube to get (winged c el34 groove tubes 6550 etc)
3)Whats the wattage when biasing, the Ma i belive its called. This way i can relay it to my tech so there is no confusion
4) What switch do i use if i go with 6550's.

Thanks guys.
I was recommended and love the Ruby BSTR's in my Vh4S got em from he is the man :) As for biasing I just had my shop to it and did not specify.
Here are some thoughts.

1. I'd love to try a 6550, but haven't yet in the VH4. Others here have said they're fantastic in other amps but don't sound good in the VH4. That being said, I've been through a number of brands of EL34s and 6L6s. But you may also want to consider the JJ KT77. There are some positive comments on it in another thread, in that it may be similar to an EL34 but tighter.

2. For metal and for EL34s I also like the Ruby EL34BSTR. But I had problems with durability. The two sets I had went bad on me quickly. They sound great, but I switched to SED Winged C EL34s because of this. The SEDs really do sound good, and I'd add them to the list. But they are a bit smoother than the Ruby EL34s, so might not be quite as good for metal.

3. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it should be around 35mA per tube when measuring the tubes directly, such as using a Weber Bias Rite.