Help re: footswitches for Egnater modular

  • Thread starter Thread starter rlord1974
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Active member
So, two questions:

1 - can I use my 4-button MOD50 footswitch into the midi in jack on my M4 preamp to select 4 of the 8 tones available in the 4 dual modules housed in the preamp? Same programming as you would normally expect with an M4 (i.e., push a button on footswitch, manually select desired channel on preamp and then hold down 'Channel' button on preamp for a few seconds)?

2 - can I plug my Rocktron Midi Mate foot controller into the midi in jack on the back of my M4 preamp with a 7 pin midi cable and will it safely phantom power the pedal?

Thanks folks!
Can't answer you re: #1, but for #2, that's how I have it going. Works great.
This is a bit geeky, but I love the text you can program to name each button.
Don't see any reason why either of those wouldn't function correctly.
Absolutely your 4 button footswitch will work. Just reprogram the amp accordingly and you should have no problems.