HELP - Tweaker 40 Head - Power/Volume Loss on Drive Channel

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I've had my Tweaker 40 for about 6 months with no issues. Recently while on my drive channel (channel 2, gain ~60-70%, hot switch on) I have experienced several instances where the volume drops out to barely audible levels and returns after 5-10 seconds. I have found using the footswitch to change to channel 1 and back to 2 has sometimes caused it to re-gain power.

This has never occurred while playing on channel 1 which I use for clean sounds - volume max, gain ~20%, no hot switch.

I suspect I have a preamp tube issue. All tubes are still original, but I have new tubes on the way to swap and see if anything changes. I have checked my bias and I'm reading ~65mv across the test points.

Have anyone experienced this with the Tweaker 40 and gotten to a root cause? I think there is a similar forum post about the Tweaker 15 combo with a similar problem.
While I don't have a solution for you I do have a fairly new tweaker 40 myself so I'll be watching this post closely in case I need to refer back to it at some point.

Sux you're having a problem. I would hit up customer support directly for help becasue at 6 months old it's still under warranty.
guitarslinger55":8wj7o0s7 said:
While I don't have a solution for you I do have a fairly new tweaker 40 myself so I'll be watching this post closely in case I need to refer back to it at some point.

Sux you're having a problem. I would hit up customer support directly for help becasue at 6 months old it's still under warranty.

I've got a request for help into Egnater's service dept but I am still waiting for a response. I submitted the request last week.

For your information - the problem is intermittent. On my amp it occurs roughly once per 2-3hour jam, and not usually before 45 minutes in.

So I haven't heard from Egnater customer support yet... so much for 24-48 hours response.

I got the new set of tubes and installed them. After re-biasing with the new tubes I played for about 20 minutes. Everything seemed fine, sounded good and all features worked. I did a quick check on the bias again and went back to play some more, and nothing - No volume from the speaker at all. The only sound I can get is if the volume and gain are maxxed, and the sound at this level is faint. In addition, I get a loud severe pop when I press the channel select button and I'm hearing an audible buzz which seems like it is coming from the power transformer.

To try and troubleshoot this problem I checked all the preamp tubes individually and checked the fuses... everything seems fine. I even swapped back to the original set of tubes and the same issue exists. With my old ruby 6L6s back in, I can see a blue flash in the tubes when using channel select. Those tubes always glowed blue steadily when heated up, however this is a much more noticeable, instantaneous flash.

Not sure what to do at this point since I have no contact from Egnater. I'm taking it back to the shop where I purchased for them to take a look at it.

Does anyone have any tips for what to check to try and troubleshoot this?
