Yes i checked it, who knows maybe the former owner dropped it.
I have boss rv6 in the loop and my god the clean channel is extremely lush.
The way the amp reacts to my picking is very special, i guess this is a better amp for me then the Herbert.
I dont have any experience with the EV12L, i know i didnt like the greenbacks, having only played v30 i know in biased.
Channel 2 takes a ts very well, so i dialed it in as a slight low gain crunch and with a boost its Herberts channel 2 but fatter, less compressed but still verry tight.
So im used to playing some jazz, gilbert licks, some nevermore type things, some low gain leads and riffs before going to bed and this amp delivers!
I also enjoy that the eq is responsive, better then the Herbert, ik getting more sounds usable, escpeciqlly when it comes to the styles vetween jazz and hardcore metal.