Help with diy isobox

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Im looking to start a project with a craftsman that also never made a isobox. He wants to help me in his spare time.

Wat should be a good wood and foam to use? I was thinking about MDF (the thickest i would find)

I could save up and buy one but i'd like something to work on

Ill start drawing soon. I have the idea already how it should be. Ill place the G12 K100 but ill make it so swapping speakers should not be a problem. The iso box will have its own connections for the mic and speaker.

First things first:

Do you want an isobox or isocab? I believe a better option is placing a cabinet that sounds good in an isobox, rather than having a speaker mounted to your box, which could or might sound good.

How much do you want or expect to attenuate? As great as they are attenuating highs & mids, my Herbert's low end still escapes big time. At the levels I'm tracking it might not be useful for an apartment.

Foam is no good. Go with either rigid fiberglass or rockwool.
nbarts":1b3efneg said:
First things first:

Do you want an isobox or isocab? I believe a better option is placing a cabinet that sounds good in an isobox, rather than having a speaker mounted to your box, which could or might sound good.

How much do you want or expect to attenuate? As great as they are attenuating highs & mids, my Herbert's low end still escapes big time. At the levels I'm tracking it might not be useful for an apartment.

Foam is no good. Go with either rigid fiberglass or rockwool.

Did anyone try the new Rivera Iso Cab? Read something on it and it is supposed to be hands above Randall's product.

For the DIY'er, go to YouTube. I found several cabs and boxes like nbarts mentioned on there. Not too high tech of a venture....

BTW my recent BKP->Herbert clips were recorded with the cab inside my isobox, however in my case I did a no wall design, meaning there is no wood behind the insulation, because I didn't want anything bouncing back, to avoid that boxy quality, which worked out pretty well.
Im going for a isocab. Ill also have a look at the other things.
Anyone ever checked out the Grendel Dead Room? Tempted.....

I have the version 1 and it was phenominal! Probably a lot better than most of the ISO cabs out there. I tried the Randall and didn't like it. I tried the Silent sister from Rivera and it is a very nice cab as well but at almost double the price, the Grendel unit I have sounded better and clearer.

I have a version 2 on order.
A word of caution though....the owner of the company Alex isn't the best with customer service. I'm only getting the second version because the one that I have sounded amazing in the studio.
I use the Randall ISO Cab with the V30 and sounds great for recording. Just you have to line the inside with acoustic foam for some reason, as if not it may sound like a tin can. But works very will IMO.
Just you have to line the inside with acoustic foam for some reason, as if not it may sound like a tin can

I wish I had have known this before. I'll have to suggest this to a friend of mine. How thick of a foam did you end up using?