herbie blew fuse but...

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van hellion

van hellion

New member
i changed it and everything appears fine. :confused: i gigged with the amp last night and no problems, hasnt blown another one either, any thoughts? is this normal?

A Wood
I had that happen with one of my amps, turned out a power tube was going bad. Put new tubes in & it never happened again........ :confused:
Sometimes when the tubes are not too well in their sockets the fuse(s) blow. Happens more often to VH4s (my own experience) than the other heads. In 95% nothing is wrong, just push them back and you'll be fine, Andy.
If it happens after that again (before moving the head around), replace the duett.
Hey Andy,

after production, the vacuum inside the tubes is
not completely clean. There are super small iron
particles that can cause a short for milliseconds.
After that, they are burned out and the tube work

played the gig last night and herbie rocked, we will see i have another show tonight so i will report back! thanks for the quick reply everyone!
A Wood
well i guess it was just the fuse, another show went just fine and herbie is hitting home runs again :D

A Wood