Hey and help!

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New member
Hey guys,
I'm new to the forum so firstly would just like to say hi! I've read a number of the threads already and you all seem like really friendly helpful people.
I bought a Diezel Herbert about a month ago (used) and am absolutely loving it! Sounds great everytime. I just got back from a holiday though today so haven't had it on for about 2 weeks and the first time I switched it on the LED for channel three would not light up even though the channel was working. I therefore thought it had blown, but when I powered down and tried again it worked... which is a bit strange.
Just thought I should ask if this has happened to any of you and if I should do/expect anything? Also as a side note what are your thoughts on the Herbert-Marshall JCM 1960a cab combo as tbh, I think the cab is holding back the true tone.
Thanks guys and look forward to hearing from you!
Oh and here's a pic of some of my setup :)


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One of our new cabs would certainly be a great fit with your Diezel amp. Front loaded and rear loaded both sound amazing. Should you have further questions please ask and I will do my best to help you with them. :thumbsup:
Not sure, but doubt it's anything more than just a faulty LED which should be easy enough to replace. As for the cab, you'd be right in your assessment - it is indeed holding back the tone. A 1960a cab is great but it pales in comparison (and I mean PALES) to the Diezel cabs. Especially the new G12K-100 front loaded ones. I'm not one to buy into the advertising/marketing malarchy that is so prevalent these days with, well, everything. Especially the hype surrounding an item to justify it's extraordinary high price, but this cab changed my mind completely. I never in a million years thought the cab would sound that much better but boy was I wrong. I'm a changed man and true believer to be sure. Try one, you'll see for yourself. It's a whole new world of sound with these things. A side benefit is this cab turned my Mark IV into a brand new amp for me! Brought out a thrust and power I never knew was there :-). Of course, the Herbert still rules all and is just insanely great sounding through it.

Ok, enough babbling as I'm sounding like a commercial for Diezel ;-) Anyway, if you can't go that route, I'd recommend checking out a Bogner cab as they're probably the second best thing to the Diezel cabs. Mills would be another option too, though I have no first hand experience with them.

Finally, welcome to the board!
Weclome to the board. Get yourself a new Diezel cab & you will be in heaven!!! \:D/ \:D/
Thanks guys and thanks for the welcome!
It's funny I came in with those three options in mind, (Bogner, Diezel and Mills cabs). I was talking to mhenson42 and he was pretty pro the Mills cabs and they seem really good with great reviews and a smaller price tag, but the more opinions the better! Has anyone tried all three cabs? One other thing, I don't really need the volume but if I got a 2x12 would it greatly effect my tone?
Well, like I said previously I've not personally used the Mills but I have both a Bogner and one of the new FL Diezel cabs. The Bogner is great, but the Diezel is in a world all its own. I mean like, galaxies above and beyond. Yes, that's pretty strong language to use when describing something as seemingly simple as a speaker cab, but I swear to you it's the truth!

As for the 2x12 thing, if you're choosing among the 3 brands in question, I can't see how you'd go wrong. The tone wouldn't necessarily change, you'd just lose some additional fullness and thump. How much so is questionable and subjective I suppose but any of those cabs would still outperform a standard Marshall 4x12 in my humble opinion.
Ok thanks man,
Some really good advice, now I just need to find a FL Diezel cab in the UK, oh and be able to afford it :P Anyone got one used up for grabs?! Also any other opinions on the 2x12 vs 4x12 debate?
Thanks again guys.
Just to say, the channel 3 LED has stopped working again :/ any ideas what might be going on?
LED Issue: If the channel's working fine it's more than likely a faulty LED or wiring to the LED.

Cabinet: If you can go with a 4x12 both in size and price, DO IT. There's no comparison to the amount of pant-flapping a 4x12 will generate over a 2x12, even though a 2x12 is great. The Diezel FL 4x12 cabs and a Diezel head are 1+1=3 (the third element being the synergy that's created by matching the cab and the head). I too am not into hype, and I've tried figuring out WHY a new cab, or any cab for that matter, can sound better than another...it's a box with 4 holes in it. Well, I am flabbergasted with the new 4x12 G12K100 FL cabs. They're I N S A N E ! ! !

Welcome aboard...
V. :thumbsup:
Ok thanks Ventura! I'm really keen to try one of those cabs now but I doubt anyone or any shop near me will have any. None of you are selling are you? :lol: :LOL:
Also you were talking bout pant flapping with the 4x12 :P but will the actual tone change at all?
Welcome Jonny :thumbsup:

Please contact Terry (Duolos) for a LED.
Thanks Peter,
Awesome to get a reply from you :) I will try and get hold of him!
I believe someone is selling one of the newer 4x12's in the Classifieds forum so you might check there.
Hi Jonny333.

I bought my Diezel gear from James at Diezel UK, I know he has some used stock normally. But I'd suggest you try to get the new cabs built in Dillengen. I have a FL V30 4x12 and a RL hempcone 4x12 with my VH4, they work amazingly well together and with the amp. They are a bit new to find any used ones though, you might have to save your pennies and get a new one.

What part of the uk are you in?
Jonny333":1kapik7m said:
Ok thanks Ventura! I'm really keen to try one of those cabs now but I doubt anyone or any shop near me will have any. None of you are selling are you? :lol: :LOL:
Also you were talking bout pant flapping with the 4x12 :P but will the actual tone change at all?

It doesn't change the tone - it simply compliments it to the Nth degree. I cannot explain how this occurs at the sonic/physics level, and believe me, I've tried figuring it out - they simply sound 'eargasmic' together. Bottom line.
