Hunter Biden took Millions from China

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New Gay the alt is trying to cover for his boy Hunter, I bet he was at the pool. C'mon New Gay let's see some of those memes, don't be afraid, we know its killing you! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


I told you to bring your A-game or pound sand.

So start pounding it in that roomy keister of yours.
New Gay the alt is trying to cover for his boy Hunter, I bet he was at the pool. C'mon New Gay let's see some of those memes, don't be afraid, we know its killing you! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:



Do you save pics like this on your computer after posting them?
I’m just imagining what your photo folder must look like based on what you post here.
Do you save pics like this on your computer after posting them?
I’m just imagining what your photo folder must look like based on what you post here.
Do you really want to go there with me beta-male? You are now trying to act like your clit is a pecker and it's not going to help you one bit.
I’ll take that as a yes
I think what you are really asking me is if I have more to share? To answer your question asshole, no, I don't have them. Just do a search for Hunter Biden on a non-Google search engine and you will find plenty of them to jerk off to.
Both democrats and republicans are guilty .

House Judiciary Committee Releases Evidence of U.S. Intelligence Community Conducting Domestic Political Disinformation Campaign

The House Judiciary Committee has released evidence {Letter Here}, gained from a transcribed interview with former Acting CIA Director Mike Morell, showing a coordinated plan by former and current Intelligence Community officials (both parties) to work with the political campaign of Joe Biden in order to influence the 2020 election outcome.

Within the transcribed interview, Mike Morell admits to receiving a phone call from current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, with a request to create disinformation and protect Joe Biden from scrutiny over the Hunter Biden laptop revelations. Morell then coordinated with 50 intelligence officials to fabricate a claim that Russians had created the Biden laptop story as a disinformation campaign. The reality was that Morell organized the U.S. intelligence community to create disinformation on behalf of Joe Biden.

“Based on Morell’s testimony, it is apparent that the Biden campaign played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election. Although the statement’s signatories have an unquestioned right to free speech and free association—which we do not dispute—their reference to their national security credentials lent weight to the story and suggested access to specialized information unavailable to other Americans. This concerted effort to minimize and suppress public dissemination of the serious allegations about the Biden family was a grave disservice to all American citizens’ informed participation in our democracy.” (more)

Hunter Biden is crooked as Jack Elam’s right eye, but he won’t be fully investigated until Daddy is out of office.

Jack Elam on The David Letterman Show about 30 years ago.

Dave: Jack, you drink a little don't you ?

Jack: Well, a lot if I can ?
