I AM KING OF THIS FORUM NOW. 🤴🏻 Any posts here are considered an acknowledgment of that fact.

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Always have bro'.

There's a safety net anyway; if a member picks up that it's been done and requests that the "perpetrator" desist, I'm on it.
Look man, I’m really not tryna make shit hard for you, but a simple cursory peek into this forum would lead someone to believe that anything goes in here. Surely you can see where I’m coming from.
Look man, I’m really not tryna make shit hard for you, but a simple cursory peek into this forum would lead someone to believe that anything goes in here. Surely you can see where I’m coming from.
I understand fully mate.

When 150-200 new peeps flood in lured by the promise of freedom, it's to be expected that many may be "over-enthused".

Just stick to the no-porn, no-credible-physical-threats, no-overt-racism rules outlined in the OTC Rebooted sticky here in OTC.

The use of names without permission has been stamped-on since precedents were set a while back. I understand that you had no way of knowing, but common-sense / decency should have seen you at least ask the member first.

I'll add this requirement to the afore-linked post for good measure.
I understand fully mate.

When 150-200 new peeps flood in lured by the promise of freedom, it's to be expected that many may be "over-enthused".

Just stick to the no-porn, no-credible-physical-threats, no-overt-racism rules outlined in the OTC Rebooted sticky here in OTC.

The use of names without permission has been stamped-on since precedents were set a while back. I understand that you had no way of knowing, but common-sense / decency should have seen you at least ask the member first.

I'll add this requirement to the afore-linked post for good measure.
Homophobia is ok. And Racism is ok as long as it’s not overt.

Ok. I got it. 👍🏼
Homophobia is ok. And Racism is ok as long as it’s not overt.

Ok. I got it. 👍🏼
Not saying it's OK; it's ugly, but it's not practical to try to vet everything everyone says for any hint of it.

Language for instance. There's a freedom to express yourself, so there has to be some flexibility there.

Saying a "race" is inferior? Verboten.
Using outdated, tasteless descriptors? Often-ugly, but they're not statements of violent intent or whatever, just adjectives.

Same goes for "homophobia".
Not saying it's OK; it's ugly, but it's not practical to try to vet everything everyone says for any hint of it.

Language for instance. There's a freedom to express yourself, so there has to be some flexibility there.

Saying a "race" is inferior? Verboten.
Using outdated, tasteless descriptors? Often-ugly, but they're not statements of violent intent or whatever, just adjectives.

Same goes for "homophobia".
Well, you won’t have to worry about me on those topics.
Before Obama we had:

No Isis
No Antifa
No war on police
No NFL Kneeling
No worldwide migration crisis
No bans on Christianity in public schools
No transvestites lecturing kindergarten children on gender ideology
No bathroom confusion
No race riots
No destruction of historical monuments & military cemeteries .
No giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens
No stripping veterans of 6 billion dollars & allocating it all to illegals
No blocking freeways
No celebrating & cheering when America is criticized
No apology tours

It is now clear that the inner circle of the Obama White House, including the former President himself, were coordinators of the entire Russia hoax from inception through the Mueller inquisition.

A coordinated conspiracy run from the Obama White House

That all elements of the senior departments of the major agencies of the United States Government were illegally weaponized to destroy a political opponent. A coordinated assault on the constitution and the Republic.

To sabotage an incoming President. Overthrow the government of the United States. Abuse their authorities to openly frame, smear and seek the destruction and criminal indictment of a duly elected President using the evidence they themselves fabricated.

Clapper said that everything he and John Brennan had done prior to and during the 2016 election was explicitly on Barack Obama’s orders.
Thats what the left does , if they don't agree with something they need to destroy it .

The left is without question the most violent intolerant and hateful people on the planet . Hate and violence is what they live for .
works both ways, like most lefties like it both ways