I refuse to watch World News Tonight anymore

70 Mach 1
70 Mach 1
Well-known member
I used to watch every night with Peter Jennings. I thought he was a fabulous anchor

I started liking David Muir and continued to watch slowly warming up to him.

After his political setup and unfair fact checking the other night its over.

I will never watch ABC news again
I used to watch every night with Peter Jennings. I thought he was a fabulous anchor

I started liking David Muir and continued to watch slowly warming up to him.

After his political setup and unfair fact checking the other night its over.

I will never watch ABC news again
Peter Jennings was full of shit too. There hasn’t been honest journalism or a news program worth watching on ABC, NBC or CBS since the 90s.
I used to watch every night with Peter Jennings. I thought he was a fabulous anchor

I started liking David Muir and continued to watch slowly warming up to him.

After his political setup and unfair fact checking the other night its over.

I will never watch ABC news again
These people are actors handed a script, they are not journalists.

The journalists have all gone out on their own now because of the internet.
Peter Jennings was full of shit too. There hasn’t been honest journalism or a news program worth watching on ABC, NBC or CBS since the 90s.

Even Walter Cronkite was an establishment shill. Dan Rather proved he was too, many of them did. Problem was no one had ways to find out the truth, USA was and is as propagandized as the Soviet Union and Maoist China of the same time.

I think media control was started in the depression (1930s) and really took off during WW2, and continued from there with the "red scare" and other justifications ever since.

One good thing was that many media outlets were independent, many were locally owned and operated; the biggest change in media was the consolidation into the hands of a few big media companies making it easier to control the message. There are YT videos of local news anchors from around the country reading from the same script superimposed and time aligned with each other.
No one watches TV news. They are all CIA propaganda oulets that get most of their funding from black budgets. They all literally lose money being on the air.
No one watches TV news. They are all CIA propaganda oulets that get most of their funding from black budgets. They all literally lose money being on the air.
My neighbor runs FOX 24/7. The tv's only shut off if the power goes down. FOX is more trash news but he thinks since it cost him extra it's more accurate, and that most Americans get duped by leftiy news orgs cause they can't afford FOX. It was apparent when I told him Tucker Carlson had been fired "no, he's just on vacation". SMH.
X is the place to get the News..
God bless that dude for spending 44 Billion to get an unfiltered platform..
You know it's fuckery when the smartest dude on the planet goes against the grain and turns RIGHT.
He just closed the office in San Francisco and is moving OUT.
I have said for years that fox is controlled opposition. Just enough of a difference to hook people in as an alternative but still just schilling the same trash at the end of the day. And we realize but do nothing. Of course what can you do other than not watch it?
Fox is blatant deep state, just the same as all the other trash.
Gavin McInnes used to work at Fox and he said 80% of the people that worked there were on DL hardcore liberals.
Fox used to be a news station that pandered to rageaholic boomer conservitards where as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc were blatant propaganda. Now Fox is hardcore deepstate dogshit.
Fuck Megyn Kelly too wtf. She got fired because she had rampant TDS, was hired by NBC then asked for too much money and got fired. Now she is all "America First." Just another grifting retard.

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