If it's illegal to discrimate when hiring, why do they want to know your race, gender, and other stupid questions?

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I've applied for over 100 jobs in 6 months. And every one of them required your race, and gender, (with the option to not identify, which probably has a better likelihood of your resume going in the trash). WTF is wrong with this country? I feel like I've been passed over because I'm a good old American Honkey. DEI is slowly getting banned in many states, but it'll never stop. People are still looking to meet certain criteria vs hiring the best candidate.
Yup... yup...yup...yup...

Moved to General bro'; was floating at the root level. :thumbsup:
I've applied for over 100 jobs in 6 months. And every one of them required your race, and gender, (with the option to not identify, which probably has a better likelihood of your resume going in the trash). WTF is wrong with this country? I feel like I've been passed over because I'm a good old American Honkey. DEI is slowly getting banned in many states, but it'll never stop. People are still looking to meet certain criteria vs hiring the best candidate.
I don't like those intrusive questions either. They wanted to know a bunch of stuff for a grant. What's gender do you identify as. What are your pronouns. What's your race. Notice if you are mixed race there is no mixed race box to check either. You are either snow white of blackest africa according to the check boxes. "Prefer not to answer" thanks for being nosy. Anyways, I hope you find a great job brother. If they pass you over for being a good ol' American honky they are losing out and you are avoiding a buncha pricks anyways.
I've applied for over 100 jobs in 6 months. And every one of them required your race, and gender, (with the option to not identify, which probably has a better likelihood of your resume going in the trash). WTF is wrong with this country? I feel like I've been passed over because I'm a good old American Honkey. DEI is slowly getting banned in many states, but it'll never stop. People are still looking to meet certain criteria vs hiring the best candidate.
You answered your own question. They want to know your race and gender so they know whether or not you are going to be able to be used to meet their quota. You understand that when they hire useless people and they are a minority or " Protected class" it's a win-win for them. Yeah they are basically throwing away whatever that person's yearly salary is, but it's a write off and it satisfies their federal requirement for quota hires. Which in turn keeps the feds and the idiots with signs and molotov cocktails off their asses.

I could elaborate on why I know this is a fact, but I'll just say it's from me being offered a job by one of the largest companies in the world.
My youngest son is biracial. He asked me about those questions. I said it’s your choice. I personally don’t care about race…only religion. And honestly don’t care what people decide as far as their beliefs. Unless it starts interfering with our freedoms and rights. Then I have an issue…
I don't like those intrusive questions either. They wanted to know a bunch of stuff for a grant. What's gender do you identify as. What are your pronouns. What's your race. Notice if you are mixed race there is no mixed race box to check either. You are either snow white of blackest africa according to the check boxes. "Prefer not to answer" thanks for being nosy. Anyways, I hope you find a great job brother. If they pass you over for being a good ol' American honky they are losing out and you are avoiding a buncha pricks anyways.
I have a job, I just hate it. It's a toxic environment with an authoritarian in charge that micro-manages, and treats and speaks to you like you're a child.