I'm in the exact same situation and pretty set on the
exact modules mentioned here, but dang if I can't
decide on the BMAN vs. COD in slot 4 - Fender (T/D),
Vox (VX), Marshall (SL2X) all goes down really nicely
and then... that dang 4th spot which at times seems
unnecessary and then at other times it seems like I
need 7 slots.
Would the COD be the best module to get this tone:
That's Ben Fargen's take on a 6l6 based lead amp.
What modules can get me close?
Specifically what I like is that it got great sustain, not
saturated very much at all, it feeds back very nicely,
and it's mellow without being whiny or wimpy like most
dumble clips I hear. I don't feel a wire wisk drum line
coming on when I hear this.
I listen to it and then think, hmmm that kind of
reminds me of Spoonful by Cream which was done with
what? A dumble? No, an early Marshall with everything on
full and Clapton's tone pot simply turned down
Go figure.