New member
I installed 6v6 tung sol in my friends tweaker, now I get
An oscillating hum if that makes any sense. Moreso with gain.
Now I know the tweakers are cathode bias and don't need
Biasing, the ts from the tube store have a sticker that says
Bias point at 25, ok.
I connected my bias probe to them and each one was marking
45 mv, is that for both or each tube?
The main issue is that hum like a sine wave. Steady
An oscillating hum if that makes any sense. Moreso with gain.
Now I know the tweakers are cathode bias and don't need
Biasing, the ts from the tube store have a sticker that says
Bias point at 25, ok.
I connected my bias probe to them and each one was marking
45 mv, is that for both or each tube?
The main issue is that hum like a sine wave. Steady