is this tube salvageable?



Well-known member
Checking the bias and the probe I was using was reading zero with one of the tubes not lighting up. I shut it down, give it a minute to cool off, and upon removing the tube from the probe the bit of plastic that determines the orientation of the tube broke off in the probe.

Now its actually a really clean break, and I could very easily superglue it back together, but that feels like a terrible idea given the tube would heat up and potentially melt it (only for it to drip down into the amp).

Would it be safe to still use the tube without the guide pin? The tube seems fine otherwise, so I'd just have to make sure I line it up correctly during installation.



It’s always easy to forget a guide pin is missing. I don’t mess around with power tube orientation tabs being broken off. Not because you’re not capable of aligning it correctly, but are you capable of aligning it correctly every time? It only takes one incorrect orientation. Installing a power tube wrong could very easily do a lot of damage.
I've broken a few and have just taken the plastic welder to it to flow the two halves back together.
JB weld also makes stuff for plastic.
Also, if you have a dead tube laying around just swap 🤷‍♀️
They make high temp super glues. I'm way too cheap to throw a good tube away. Make a line like @midnightlaundry said. For the amount of times you're putting it in/taking it out, I would just make sure you line it up correctly.
What most said....just mark the spot on the base where the pin would be, and with the amp off first practice putting it in the right way. You can also double check by looking at the others, making sure the tube looks aligned with the others based on the inner tube construction. Then power on.