ISP Decimatorm.. Which one?

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There is the 1 and the two. I just want to quiet some hum on a few rugs. I have never needed a noise suppressor prior but I could use a few.

This would be for a Mesa tremoverb, a Rivera Ktre and a Splawn.

I am going to get at least three of them soon.

I am not looking to cure 60hz hum, everything is all humbuckers, would I want to go in the loop or out front? Or get the g-string.

I am at the phase in my rigs now where everything else is complete. I have all of the pedals that I need, I need an another amp like I need another hole in my head, and my guitar situation is sitting solid with everything upgraded as needed (upgraded pickups, upgraded bridges, trem blocks, etc).

I have a few extra bucks at the moment and think that at this phase I am good with everything else so I may as well snag some noise reduction.

No I don't want a boss NS-2 or zuul. ISP ONLY at the moment. I have used them before with great results, but not on my own rig.
I recently purchased a Decimator II G-String to replace my TC Electronics Sentry (which I hated, it actually added it's own noise to the signal). I don't know about the Decimator I (one) but the II G-String model works extremely well with my amps (Mesa Mark V 90W, EVH 5150 III 50W, DSL100H) all of which have effect loops.

I have not noticed any additional noise added to the signal from the pedal and the Threshold knob works incredibly well and is tuned perfectly to allow roll off or fade of notes without choking them out.

Apparently you should have a serial effects loop to use this pedal but you can get around having an effects loop at all as described in the video and below. The effects loop in my Mark V is serial and I've noticed that the built in reverb tank gets cut off when using this pedal, not sure if that matters to you as I noticed you were using a Tremoverb and I'm not sure how the reverb tank on that amp works.

Also I ended up buying mine from the Guitar Center website for $149 used and it was in perfect, like new condition so I'd check them out too as a possible way to save some money. I always hit their website up for used pedals, sorting low to high on price and you can occasionally find some really good deals, plus their return policy is insane. You have to pay tax and shipping but sometimes you can score really good deals even with that additional cost.

FAQ from the ISP website:
You can set up a loop with the Decimator II G String as follows: Plug your guitar directly into the Guitar IN. Insert your pedals between Guitar OUT and Decimator IN. Guitar OUT to the first pedal in and then your last pedal out to the Decimator IN. Then plug the Decimator OUT into your guitar amp. This will put your gain pedals in a loop of the Decimator and it will remove all of the gain noise from these pedals.

This guy explains everything very well and has a few diagrams in the video of the loop setup:

I was thinking I would rather have two Decimators in the chain instead of the g-string. Two Decimator 2's is about the same price overall. I would think that I would be able to control the rig better overall. Also, I may just want the one in the loop,and may not need one out front.

What are your thoughts on that?
swamptrashstompboxes":9bkux47k said:
I was thinking I would rather have two Decimators in the chain instead of the g-string. Two Decimator 2's is about the same price overall. I would think that I would be able to control the rig better overall. Also, I may just want the one in the loop,and may not need one out front.

What are your thoughts on that?

I have done that. I'm very used to the NS-2 up front and a decimator in the loop. Recently set up a decimator 2 g-string on my main amp rig and am just as happy....although I hate having the two cords going back to the amp. But since it's the only pedal I use I just said screw it and put the pedal itself on top of the amp.
I use the original ISP Decimator G-string with my Splawn Nitro. Works like a charm in quieting the beast down. If you cant get the version 1 G-string, get the 2nd one.

Good luck
i am sadly curoius about the new isp technologies pedal and eventual rack form g unit called the hum extractor + decimator noise reduction thing

i don't nor have i ever spent 450 bucks on a isp g rack so the likelihood of getting a new extractor is very very unlikelyh

anywho, i'm a big fan or the ole isp g string/ g racks etc

they work and there's really no noticable change but i ain't no cork sniffer

fact is everything in your signal change changes the "tone" so whatever after awhile
I use the ISP Decimate (small form pedal) as the first thing in my Splawn's effects loops. I use it to kill amp hiss. I have it set just enough to kill the amp hiss without choking any notes off. Works great. and my rig is dead silent when I'm not playing.
I have used ISP since the beginning. To me, nothing works better. I have all the various units and the rack units and am happy with them all. For simplicity and price, just grab the new black ones. Prymaxe right now has them for 90 bucks or so. Can't beat that.
The Decimator II G-String is the one to get for sure.
This thread is of interest to me. I'm thinking separate pedals too in case I'd rather use 1 on a different amp. I don't think I really have lots of amp noise/hiss and play at pretty high volumes. Let me know what you end up doing SwampTrash ok? Also, how did you get your handle name changed?

SFW":14yhv2ph said:
I use the ISP Decimate (small form pedal) as the first thing in my Splawn's effects loops. I use it to kill amp hiss. I have it set just enough to kill the amp hiss without choking any notes off. Works great. and my rig is dead silent when I'm not playing.
Glad to hear. I think my amp is pretty quiet but also want to try an ISP more for technique than noise. Metal chugging type stuff. I remember your video you posted a week or so ago about the new pickups and your amp sounded great and not 'choked off' as you say. And I think you were running a Weber attenuator too. I meant to comment on that thread but have been away a lot lately.
I've used the original Silver pedal for 10 yrs now. Bought it for 80 used, and it's fantastic. No tone suck that I can tell, I take it out of the chain and it's the same tone. Unlike the Boss NS2 that I tried first long ago, that shaved off some highs. I run it out front and it works great.
SFW":4txww7qi said:
I use the ISP Decimate (small form pedal) as the first thing in my Splawn's effects loops. I use it to kill amp hiss. I have it set just enough to kill the amp hiss without choking any notes off. Works great. and my rig is dead silent when I'm not playing.

This. Although I use the original silver one. First in the loop. Kills the hiss, dead silent on stoppies. Makes your whole rig sound more professional. I have several for different pedalboards. Only drawback is the original silver one is heavy.
I am going to pick up a few cheap normal Decimators, and just chuck one in the loop. I think that's all I really need tbh. I am pretty sure that is all I need. FYI I have six rigs in my shop. So the money adds up fast.
I just ordered a Decimator II it should be here next week. I am curious to see how it is.
I started with an NS-2 but have been using an original Decimator for over 15 years.

I’ve used the Decimator II, Smart Gate, Hush, Sentry, NS2 and now the ISP Decimate (latest technology according to ISP) They all effect tone in some way. The ISP stuff dips the mids just a hair. ISP is by far the least tone sucking one I have used. At this point I cannot run a gain channel without one. I absolutely hate amp hiss. Nothing ruins tracking like amp hiss, IMHO.

At home I run the threshold around -40dB. In our practice room it’s between -30 and -20dB. (Dirty power). I will definitely agree with lack of noise being more “professional.” Silence is just as important as the loud. Lol.
I’m running an ISP Decimate (micro) first in my loop and it works great with my BE100 and 101b but first some reason acts kind of like an attenuator with Mark IV which is driving me crazy. I picked up a Sentry from GC today, got it home and it wouldn’t even power up. I’ve read several other posts of them breaking in short order so buyer beware. I’ve become addicted to hissless amps now lol
I got one Decimator II in last week, got a second on the way. Both are used transactions on Reverb. About $100 a pop at the end of the day.

Edit: I will be getting two more in the next week or two for the other rigs.