Active member
I posted my latest Vh4 clip (after I retubed it with KT77), and there are some great comments, and a few ppl liked it, but other can't seem to wait for a new Diezel clip thread to start talking crap. This is what I answered to some of those cats:
well, I'm open to critics of course....and some of the critics here have help me A LOT specially with the problem I had with my bright monitor speakers and not knowing where the sweet spot was. But sorry to say this, I believe a there are a lot of Diezel haters around that cannot wait to see a Diezel clip thread to bash it and put it down.
always the same comments:
"it just doesn't sound good"
"if that's how a $4,000 + amp sounds"
etc etc It might not be your cup of tea but why is there a need to "bash" and put down the amp/clip if you know it's the amp you don't like?. If you indeeed like that amp, but feel the recorded tone sucks, or needs something else, then be a good critic and advice something to make it better.
I don't post clips here to "show off" my $4,000 amp. I do it to get some feedback and gain some good intended critic to improve my clip qualities. do you know what I mean?
sorry guys, I don't wanna come off as an ass, and I do have thick skin regarding critics, but some of the critics I've gotten with my Diezel clips are pure bullshit.
I've posted some duesentrieb Little joe clips and gotten positive comments (even if you don't like the clip or the tone but it's always been constructive comments.