Well-known member
After a few days I finally got around to comparing these 2 great amps. I've owned the Herbert for a bit now but tonally I was looking for something different... and I have found it in the Bogner XTC 101b. I had my girlfriend(who has a great music ear and knows more music trivia then any1 I know) sit there and listen and give me her unbiased opinion.. I didn't even get 2 minutes into jamming thru the Bogner when she said that one(XTC) hands down. She said it sounded 'fuller', and used some other girl terms but basically said it seemed warmer and punchier and when I said 'organic' and 'woody'...she said...yes, that's it. No knock to Diezel cuz they make amazing machines that are played by great musicians with a better ear than me. I just find Bogner suits my tonal needs more... I absolutely love ch2 with boost on...and ch3...f'n forget about it...Love it!!! From classic, to 80's(where I think the XTC nails dead on with balls) to Modern rock.. The XTC sits right in the pocket..warm but punchy, open and organic...just a beautiful creature that hits you in the face...and it feels good. Headn out to rehearsals now to turn her up and see how she holds up against a full band...I have no doubts. Cheerz fellow Bognerists. Rock n Roll