OK, mosh pit story time. We (Me, my friend Max, and my friend Chey) were about 3 rows back from the stage, in the middle-ish left of the stage. The pits ended up opening literally RIGHT behind me, so when I wasn't in the pit, I was being pushed around big time.
1. During He is Legend, someone threw a small black kid at me, and a caught him in my arms and yelled "DOES THIS BELONG TO ANYONE?" and threw him back. Was pretty funny.
2.Some guy BITCH SLAPPED me in the pit duing Chimera's set. I mean literally, open-hand slapped. I punched him in the face and broke his glasses, fucking jackass.
3. During Chimera, some doushe bag wearing a grey sweater was punching my friend max in the stomach, so I pushed him off and punched him a few times.
4. Circle pits were pretty awesome during DF. Kicked some ass, helped some dudes out, had lots of fun. They did a wall of death kinda deal before "Through The Fire And The Flames" which was pretty cool.
5. The Pits SUCKED during KsE. A large group of Denim Jacket wearing drunk 40+ year old idiots came up and ruined it. Just pushing everyone against the stage, causing most of the cool people to retreat to a more comfortable place. After 3 sets of brewtal moshing, me and my friend max were done. We stayed up near the stage for the first half of KsE's set, and then we went back further and got ourselves a nice comfortable spot. But, luckily, during Rose of Sharyn, A BAD ASS pit opened up right in front of me, so I went in.
6. During KsE's set, I had to drag someone out, cuz he was hurt pretty bad. Someone pushed him, and another guy headbutted him (jackass) and cut his eye open pretty bad. He obviously had a bit of a concussion, because he was talking complete jibberish. I dragged him out, propped him up against a wall, gave him a drink and some napkins and watched him for awhile. He was hanging on to my shoulder, and he passed out for a minute, was a pretty bad deal. I made him stand with me for the next few songs, and then he was fine. I saw him outside, laughing it off like everything was fine. Glad he was OK
After the show, they were handing out free No Fear Energy drinks. So I was grabbing some, and I turned around to find a single-file line behind me! Apparently, they thought I was handing them out, so I started handing them out!