regardless of what everyone thinks about which one is better, the fact remains that if we are talking about the OLD kahlers that had the rollers and such, you had to route the shit out of your guitars wood in order to get them installed. I know for a fact that when I installed my Kahler, it altered the tone of my guitar in a negative way becuase of how much wood they took out of the guitar to fit that fucker in. Another thing that sucked about the Kahlers design is that if you sweat a lot when you play, you will absolutely fry out the rollers. The rollers will lock up like a rotweilers jaw!
When I used Kahlers I always had to have parts laying aound to keep them up and running. Another thing is that the locking nut was made from very soft metal.....went through 5 of those fuckers. And they dont stay in tune for shit!!
IMHO the OLD kahlers blow donkey balls and I wish to God I never installed one.
Not sure WTF they are up to today.