Well-known member
Just so everyone knows, this pedal kicks so much ass. It sounds beautiful and lush like in the video and I am just using it Mono right now. It is inspiring to play and sounds great clean or wirh dirt.
There are two delay sides with four presets. I had.a great U2 sound out of the box and the Timmons preset smokes obviously. Digging this thing!!
Are you able to tell at all if the pedal is analog dry through? Best way to tell would probably be to split your signal with another stereo buffer of some kind, like an A/B/Y box or any pedal with stereo outputs, then plug one of those outputs into one amp, and the other output into the Halo, then plug the Halo into the input of another amp. If there are phasing issues with the Halo pedal activated, then that would mean the Halo AD/DA converts the dry signal.
If you do this, just to make sure everything works, make sure to test without the halo in the chain at all first to verify that the two amps are in phase with each other.
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