...Korn guitars?

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Sam Laming
Sam Laming
New member
I'm sure a few of you've seen Head's 14 string double neck


but I was never aware Munky (the other guitarist) had a 14 string single neck? I've only ever seen one photo on the internet of it, does anyone else have any pictures of it?
don't get me wrong, if i had the money and endorsements to do shit like that i probably would but...wow, excess?
I know what you mean but I thought it was awesome, not only would that sound so heavy but it'd probally sound quite spine chilling too with the octaves or however the hell they'd tune it.
yeah, i'd like to hear it for sure. i'm not a korn fan so i don't know if they actually recorded with it..
i'd really like to hear it in a few different settings besides korn stuff.

if you can find some stuff- post it! you've got me interested.
I think it's a real cool concept and the airbrushing looks nice (even though the graphic is stupid). That's also the only picture I've seen of the guitar.
I've seen one other picture of the double neck one but Munky has a single neck one that I was aware of, apparently the only song it's used on is 'Alone I Break' (lots of clean guitar)

Here's one of the K-8:


I'll try and find the k-14 pic later, got college now...
The K-14 in the first picture kind of looks like it was photoshopped (the head), but it still looks awesome!
Is it me or does "Head" look really freaky now. He was bad enough in Korn, but at least it fitted the image
just you? :p

I think his eyes look a little odd in that photo but other then that I'm not sure what you mean.