Lead Tone on a JCM800 (delay,reverb content)

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Hey guys,

going to be recording and playing with my JCM800 soon. (since i have got it i have been unable to play it, living situations)

Was wondcering what you guys use to get a nice lead sound? Its a single channel 2204 with no effects loop.

I like a bit of delay and reverb.

I have a G-Sharp at home that i used to (still do,would) with my 5150 for a lead tone. But that was in the effects loop.

What do you guys use (for those of you that use effects), and suggest?

When i tested out my JCM800 it already had a good lead tone on its own, but just wanna see what you guys do :confused:

Cheers :thumbsup:
For delay and reverb with an amp that's overdriven you really need an effects loop. Delay and verb into the input will sound like a mess. The effects will work fine for clean and mid gain but when you turn up the gain on the amp the effects will sound like crap.
I personally don't use effects just wah, but if your going to play with a lot of gain, record dry and add effects later, they usually sound muddy plugged into a high gain amp with no effects loop, or if your gonna push the amp with a distortion box, plug into the low input and the effects sound better, but the tone usually suffers, not nearly as responsive and alive sounding, just my opinion
Thanks guys,

So for your lead tones, you guys just plug stright in? (in a live setting? recording?)

Dammit :doh: i knew i should have gotten the loop installed on the 2204!

Might just try and find a lead tone with no effects.
verb definitely sounds like poo on the input of a distorted amp w/o effects loop. if you want verb, get it from the PA (if you can). delay can awesome in front. for me, using it in the loop is just too clear in an 80's kind of way (probably the same reason i hate chorus). anyway, you need a very low-fi delay (analog type, or digital w/the tone rolled back) set to quick repeats and low mix % levels. you can use a pretty good amount of feedback (# of repeats) if you tweak the other two properties properly. the more and more i use delay, the more i like it in front; i like it to sound like it is on the verge of chaos, like the amp is going to explode. :thumbsup:
I've tried a bit around lately (coming from head + rack-fx) with pedals, "cheaper" delay pedals in front of a similar amp to yours:
Those analogue Artec SE 350ms max, true bypass, 50 $) is fine for the purpose to imitate reverbish stuff for leads IMO. I've also tried an Excalibur Analog Delay (looks nice, isn't quite as good as the Artec IMO) and my Digidelay (which is digital and IMO sounds good in the loop only.

Here are pics:


Awsome guys!

thanks for the suggestions... i think a delay pedal (like one of the ones you guys recomend) is in order.

So everyone is suggesting Analog right?

duesentrieb":244jjseo said:
I've tried a bit around lately (coming from head + rack-fx) with pedals, "cheaper" delay pedals in front of a similar amp to yours:
Those analogue Artec SE 350ms max, true bypass, 50 $) is fine for the purpose to imitate reverbish stuff for leads IMO. I've also tried an Excalibur Analog Delay (looks nice, isn't quite as good as the Artec IMO) and my Digidelay (which is digital and IMO sounds good in the loop only.

Here are pics:

Wow that artec SE is cheap :confused:
These are pretty cheap, and the reviews seem pretty good. In Ed D's latest clip he mentioned that he was using one.
MXR-M-169-Carbon-Copy-Analog-Delay-Pedal-M169_W0QQitemZ370041216596QQihZ024QQcategoryZ41420QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem">https://cgi.ebay.com/MXR-M-169-Carbon-Co ... dZViewItem</a>
I hate to sound like a broken record but in front of overdriving Marshalls, I like the way an Analog delay sounds for leads. Now rhythm riffing is where it will mud up a bit, but for leads it sounds pretty sweet.

I always keep my delay last in the chain (closest to the amp). I use fuzzes and overdrives before it all the time and it sounds good IMO. :yes:
Telephant":1otfgu03 said:
I hate to sound like a broken record but in front of overdriving Marshalls, I like the way an Analog delay sounds for leads. Now rhythm riffing is where it will mud up a bit, but for leads it sounds pretty sweet.

I always keep my delay last in the chain (closest to the amp). I use fuzzes and overdrives before it all the time and it sounds good IMO. :yes:

I do too. I have a Boss DM-3 that I use, and it's the last thing on my pedal board.
Telephant":3lsanbkc said:
I hate to sound like a broken record but in front of overdriving Marshalls, I like the way an Analog delay sounds for leads. Now rhythm riffing is where it will mud up a bit, but for leads it sounds pretty sweet.

I always keep my delay last in the chain (closest to the amp). I use fuzzes and overdrives before it all the time and it sounds good IMO. :yes:

Thanks man good to hear :thumbsup: