Legend V12 vs Vintage 30 vs Retro 30

Copy/Pasta from GAB. And I agree that they tend to tame that Peavey fizziness.

haha nice. I was just gonna post the links to those clips here.

I have 2 V12s and 2 V30s in my 412 right now, and I've had Vet30s paired with V12s in the past (never had Retro30s, but they should be fairly similar to the Vet30s). Vet30s are V30s with less of a mid spike, and Retro30s are supposed to be closer to V30s, I think. Anyway...

I find V30s to sound really thin, nasally and washy in the high end on their own. The low end lacks for me. I find V12s to be very balanced and neutral sounding speakers with lots of wattage. They don't break up and the remain tight and clear as loud as you can push them (at least as loud as I have pushed them). They punch and cut and they sound nice and full. They dont flub out and they dont have any harsh or unpleasant frequencies. They are VERY versatile and excel with everything I've played through them. They are my go to speaker, and will always be my go to speaker. Probably are the biggest part of my tone. I know Eminence totes them as a V30 knock off kinda thing, but they arent even in the same category in terms of sound, IMO. V12s shit ALL OVER V30s all day long.

Having said that, pairing them actually sounds really good, if thats the kind of thing you want. I find the V30s mixed with the V12s provide all the positives of both speakers...so you get the low end and clarity from the V12s and you get the cut and grind from the V30s. VERY heavy and angry fucking sound!! I dig them paired, but I would never play V30s on their own. I've played V12s on their own for years, and will always be happy doing so.
V12's>V30's>Retro 30's for me

I hated the Retro 30's I had. They sound more like the Marshall OEM V30's.....which I also hate. They are brighter and grittier. I do like broken in Vintage 30's but I like V12's much more.......even though they sound completely different. V12's are big, balanced, and smooth without sacrificing clarity/articulation. Vintage 30's will give you a bit thinner tone with more mid bite than the V12's.
EyesOfTheSouth":1j50c8i3 said:
V12's>V30's>Retro 30's for me

I hated the Retro 30's I had. They sound more like the Marshall OEM V30's.....which I also hate. They are brighter and grittier. I do like broken in Vintage 30's but I like V12's much more.......even though they sound completely different. V12's are big, balanced, and smooth without sacrificing clarity/articulation. Vintage 30's will give you a bit thinner tone with more mid bite than the V12's.

Ok so we've established that you are clearly not a fan of WGS speakers ;) I remember you saying the invader sucked too. I found the vet 30's to be hollow sounding. I still hear that when compared to v30's. I felt they lacked body. V30's sound like they record well to me but never been my cup of tea as a stand alone speaker. Very interested in what you guys are saying about the V12's though. General forum consensus seems to be that Eminence sound flat or always fall short. Seems to be Celestion or Scumback/Weber> WGS>Emincence.
V 12's are my favorite speaker. They sound so much fuller than any other speaker that I have tried. They are also good at taming bright amp. My Splawn Quick Rod sounds fantastic through them. I like it better with my V12 cab than my small block cab that I just bought for it.
If you wanna get some, I highly recommend just getting new ones from Avatar. They arent popular/common enough to find used frequently, and Avatar sells a pair for 135 and a quad for 240 shipped.