For those who have played/owned both, what are the tonal differences in the two?
Keep in mind I have a 2007 Std, which had the stock Burstbucker Pro's (now a MCP Detroiter in the bridge). I know there are differences over the years with the swiss cheese routing and eventual chambering, electronics differences (caps, pots, pups), etc., but I've seen several people write that the Custom is darker than the Std, everything else being equal (year made, same pups, etc.). Players tend to be pretty decisive about which one they play, so I was wondering why.
I love playing my Std with the Herbert, just never had the opportunity to play a Custom.
Keep in mind I have a 2007 Std, which had the stock Burstbucker Pro's (now a MCP Detroiter in the bridge). I know there are differences over the years with the swiss cheese routing and eventual chambering, electronics differences (caps, pots, pups), etc., but I've seen several people write that the Custom is darker than the Std, everything else being equal (year made, same pups, etc.). Players tend to be pretty decisive about which one they play, so I was wondering why.
I love playing my Std with the Herbert, just never had the opportunity to play a Custom.