Lillian Axe guitarist - keyboards Jon Ster RIP

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Marshall Law

Marshall Law

Well-known member
I just read he passed away no details. I saw Lillian Axe open for Krokus back in like 1984 on their first MCA record tour. I had never heard of them but They blew me away and I went out and bought that first album, which is still one of my favorites. RIP John Ster

Oh wow, that sux. They used to play savvys in ft.worth a couple a weekends a year...often with pantera opening. Way skilled band.
Jon was a good dude. Partied with him until the sun came up more than a few times in the early 90s. RIP, Jon....
Jon has had a rough go for a number of years. I hope he is in a better place. RIP, Jon.