Linux distro, CentOS


New member
Any users out there? I might have to start messing with this through a VPN. I'm sure I could use the help if this happens. I have almost no experience with Linux/Unix.
Linux for Dummies!


If you've never tried any POSIX or UNIX based environments, I suggest Ubuntu. It's pretty flexible, basically idiotproof to install and has a good application base and a large apt repository.
I don't have a choice, though.
I've used to a distro of Linux for a couple weeks (can't remember which, maybe mandrake...) and took a Unix class. That's it.
Hi I am not a guru, but I am using Linux for more than 6,7 years now.
let us know what kind of help you want. May be we can help. Get O'Relly "Linux in a Nutshell" first.
Looks like it's based on RHEL, or at least built from (some of) it, so you shouldn't have too many problems finding info about it. I've looked around on THIS site before and there's some decent info on there and little quizzes and stuff.
I guess we can't really help unless we know what you need help with :P What exactly are you going to be doing in CentOS?
I'm trying to get a list of people I can talk to if I have issues. I'll be accessing our site through a VPS and will have control over everything with CentOS and a Plesk control panel. I'll have to teach myself how to mess with apache and all that stuff.
This might go down next week if we upgrade. I'll have more info soon.
I'm a veteran linux guru..

I know it sounds smug, but really, I've been using a Linux desktop exclusively for 13 years now, since the 0.99 Linux kernel, HPUX before that, and it's my full time job.

To stay on-topic, checkout Rosegarden for sequencing and recoarding. Also see GLydian on this group if you have a G*Major effects unit. The windows version of the FCB1010 midi pedal editor works great on Linux with the win32 api layer called "wine."

Microsoft products are not allowed in our house. It's incredibly liberating.

edfardos":270e9 said:
I'm a veteran linux guru..

I know it sounds smug, but really, I've been using a Linux desktop exclusively for 13 years now, since the 0.99 Linux kernel, HPUX before that, and it's my full time job.

To stay on-topic, checkout Rosegarden for sequencing and recoarding. Also see GLydian on this group if you have a G*Major effects unit. The windows version of the FCB1010 midi pedal editor works great on Linux with the win32 api layer called "wine."

Microsoft products are not allowed in our house. It's incredibly liberating.

Yes, Wine is a miracle thing but it's still not perfect and it will never be for specific programs that have such a deep dependency and have compiled hooks for the Win32 API like Adobe apps.
They have CentOS here at university for the students along with Solaris. Pretty solid I don't think I remember it ever being down except for power outages. At home I mostly use various forms of Debian and FreeBSD, but normally connect to university machines over SSH anyway. More or less the various forms of Linux are very similar, the biggest difference that affects you normally would be the different packaging mechanisms. Debian's apt-get works like a charm, but I particularly like FreeBSD's ports system, it's very neat. I would say as a server platform go with a flavour of BSD, but for a home desktop Linux.