LOL At least he admits it

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He doesn't have much talent, it's true. It's a good thing he ran out of Skid Row records to record and was a big enough fish to do the youtube shilling
You certainly won't have talent or be great at anything with that shitty attitude. "Talent" isn't something you're born with, it's a word that represents a skill you develop on purpose.

That 17 minute therapy session video represents probably half a day's time he could have spent making himself better.
You certainly won't have talent or be great at anything with that shitty attitude. "Talent" isn't something you're born with, it's a word that represents a skill you develop on purpose.

That 17 minute therapy session video represents probably half a day's time he could have spent making himself better.

This is so funny to me, because Henning Pauly has a youtube channel where he gets sent free gear all the time, has produced famous musicians, and all around has gotten literally EVERY POSSIBLE break in music he could POSSIBLY get, including living with his fucking mother and not paying rent at 50 years old

I (and im sure many other people here) not only have more talent than him, if I would have gotten even ONE of the many breaks henning pauly has gotten, i would have ran to the bank and back with it 200 times and beat that break into the ground

What a fucking baby.

He's literally semi-famous and has barely any skill whatsoever, what a tough life it is :ROFLMAO:
One big subtle brag.

Isn't that awesome? It's like he's humblebragging that even though he has no talent whatsoever, he's still an InFlUeNcEr and shit

It's like a meta-commentary on music gear youtube, unintentionally
You certainly won't have talent or be great at anything with that shitty attitude. "Talent" isn't something you're born with, it's a word that represents a skill you develop on purpose.

That 17 minute therapy session video represents probably half a day's time he could have spent making himself better.
I disagree with the talent part, I think some people are born talented. Sure, they have to practice a bit, but there was something within them that already existed before they picked up an instrument, a baseball bat, a skateboard, etc. some people right off the bat are clearly so much better than everyone else.

Look at Lionel Messi, he was a child prodigy. I have a friend I grew up with. He became a pro skater. Within 2 years of starting skating, he was the best street skater in the world, and he was smashing barriers that people hadn’t dreamt possible. It was absolutely unbelievable watching The guy’s progression and seeing how quickly he picked up every single trick with ease. Some people are born with talent.
He must have delivered milk to KDH's mother some time in the 90s.

I'll suck my own cock all day coz I did 4 good-to-amazeballs albums with my band since 2008 to 2021. We broke up last year. When you've put that much time into something that truly gave you meaningful life experiences, someone else's 300k subs on Youtube or whatever... honestly... it just doesn't impress me. So you play C/G/D/E chords through a variety of gear whilst wearing someone else's flesh, fuck off.
I feel bad for anyone who is soaking up popularity on social media to the point where it becomes the substance of their life.

Life is hard on everyone, regardless of status, how much gear they have, etc. If you don't have a bigger purpose or ability to remove yourself from repetition and stressors, you'll start losing yourself.
Tbh, he has more talent & skill than most of the gearwankers here. Can't be good if you're just hoarding more amps instead of practising.
He doesn't have much talent, it's true. It's a good thing he ran out of Skid Row records to record and was a big enough fish to do the youtube shilling
He doesn't have any guitar skills. Another talker, and one of the more notorious ones I might add. And he's interjected his retard politics into gear videos before which is the end of the road for me. You can't take his demos seriously because he doesn't have the chops to demonstrate the gear at a level a discerning player is going to be listening for. There is no nuance. I'm so sick of those kind of reviews. Waste of time.

Then I was watching all these dumble style amp reviews lately. Same amp, different reviewers. One sounds like total crap, the other sounds amazing. Then I found some pro players and they still sounded like crap. Then I noticed they are demoing a 50 or 100 watt rig with the volume at like 3. LOL, might as well not have bothered. But I suppose it kEePs nEw cOn-tEnT bee shure and smash that like and subscribe button cause only six percent of my viewers are subscribers blah blah. How about do some decent reviews and get subscribers the old fashioned way by earning them? Tool bags.

Sorry for the rant but you caught me at a time when my aggravation with most gear reviews is hitting new highs since the advent of clickbait titles.
He doesn't have any guitar skills. Another talker, and one of the more notorious ones I might add. And he's interjected his retard politics into gear videos before which is the end of the road for me. You can't take his demos seriously because he doesn't have the chops to demonstrate the gear at a level a discerning player is going to be listening for. There is no nuance. I'm so sick of those kind of reviews. Waste of time.

Then I was watching all these dumble style amp reviews lately. Same amp, different reviewers. One sounds like total crap, the other sounds amazing. Then I found some pro players and they still sounded like crap. Then I noticed they are demoing a 50 or 100 watt rig with the volume at like 3. LOL, might as well not have bothered. But I suppose it kEePs nEw cOn-tEnT bee shure and smash that like and subscribe button cause only six percent of my viewers are subscribers blah blah. How about do some decent reviews and get subscribers the old fashioned way by earning them? Tool bags.

Sorry for the rant but you caught me at a time when my aggravation with most gear reviews is hitting new highs since the clickbait titles.

The politics thing drives me absolutely insane

Him, Pete thorn, and Mark cuckansky cannot keep their shitlibbery out of the gear stuff

Like dude just go ten seconds without your TDS ruining it

It's amazing though because YouTube has made it where no one needs any talent and they can still get a bajillion subs and shill gear