Marshall 1987x reissue with matching 1960TV cab English Greenbacks

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I got this amp today in a deal because I'd always wanted one, but now I can say I've had one. I know I'll never get to rock on this thing like I'm supposed to as it hurt to be in front of it with the volume on like 1 when I was testing it out. Though I was getting that SWEET pickup feedback because I had to be so close to it because the instrument cable was so short. The amp looks to have been made in January of 05, just like the cab.

It is in good shape, just a lil tolex here and there coming unglued. There is the one tear in the back of the cab but other than a few scuffs and tolex coming unglued here and there it's in good shape. It looks to be made in January of 05.

The amps themselves appear to be anywhere in the $1800-2000 range on Reverb and the cabs around the $1200-1500 range. Granted, I know they may not actually sale for that much, but it does give a starting point and an idea.

I'm in Chattanooga, TN and don't want to ship, so if you're anywhere around Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Knoxville, or even further if you wanna take the trip, you're more than welcome to take it home with you. I'd even be interested in doing a deal for hotrodded Marshall'esque amps. Hell, if you have something really nice I may even bring it to you and a little cash on top.

















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5 years ago I had a chance to get a mint 1987x for $800. Prices have gone up up up Should of bought it! GLWTS
That's a nice story :rolleyes:

Local craigslist sale, guy couldn’t sell it and when I called he was upfront that the amp was loud as shit before it would get distorted so he was selling. I was going to buy and send it to Friedman to mod but seemed like a hassle. So fuck off, you buy and sell more crap than anybody. It’s obscene. GLWTS?
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Bump...have a couple hours of use on it and it sounds glorious. At least through the attenuator. I'd hate to play this thing loud enough to get a crunch w/o the attenuator. Loop works great, all the pots work great.
original 50watter around 2 k not that much for a reissue, I dont think.
Ok guys, I haven't checked Reverb prices lately to see if the selling prices have gone up/down but if anyone has a hotter amp that's still Marshall flavored, I may be down for trading the halfstack for it, or just the head depending on the amp. When I bought this, it was between a Bogner Ecstasy 101b or this and ended up getting this as it was closer. If someone has an Ecstasy and wants to do some trading, or something else along those lines, PM me. Local'ish only, I don't want to do across country shipping trades...I can't see that working out well.
always wanted one of those TV cabinets, hoping you can tell me i really need it?
Bump...getting the gas for a Cornford again or a couple other amps that I'd like to have. If you're interested, send me a message and we can chat.
Bump...I have the halfstack listed at $2500 on Facebook marketplace. If you're close enough to drive to come get it, I'm open to offers.
I am too far away. I am curious about the loop jacks on it......the return looks black and send chrome?
It's where one of the jack piece came undone somehow. After I brought it home I ordered a new part and now it all matches.
FWIW I picked up a TV cab recently and OMG it's a nice cab. GLWS.
It's been straight crickets on this I asking too much or something? Or does no one want classic amps these days?