Marshall Code plexi clip

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One of my favorite solos, Hotel California.
Strat set on plexi model.
100 watt power section
1960 cab

I like the tones out of this amp.
Trying to capture the original as close as I can, not there yet though.
Thanks for posting. I haven't seen much on these amps.
Cool :thumbsup:

Overall, I like it. This plexi mode is one of my favorites on it.
The 800 is also another nice one also.
I like your clips normally and you played the solo well, but the tone sounded very Solid State like to my ears. Was not really a fan of the tone, unlike other stuff you've posted.

I hear ya. I appreciate the kinds words though :thumbsup:
The code is essentially a solid state design though.
I'll look into a different eq method for the next one
Nailed the solo. Sounded just like the original playing wise. I think if you back way off the treble and increased the low end it'd be closer to the album tone.
Funny you say that because I initially had more bass and less treb, but thought it was on the mushy side and not cutting enough. lol
I just listened to the isolated solo and your right, has more bass.
Well Felder's guitar does anyhow.

Thanks dude !!!
What'd they use on the album? Sounds like a cranked Fender combo of some kind to me. At least Felder's does.
would have liked it more if you had a patriots shirt on.....
I read an article where Felder says it was the combo cranked with the roto vibe for that swirl effect.

I'm a Jets fan, I don't own a Pats shirt. lol
Always a great game between those 2!!
PS: How do I set my Strat on plexi model?

:lol: :LOL:

Just kidding man. Great playing, sorry to poo poo.
Just ask it nicely, "Please sound like a classic Marshall?"
Then turn the dial. Should work.

:lol: :LOL:
These amps get a really bad rap , and I can't figure out why. I bought one as a grab and go amp , and I couldn't be happier.With some knob tweaking , I can get great sounds out of all of the models on the amp. For $250 , the 50 water is tough to beat in my humble opinion. (And I tried the Katana before I bought the Code)
I agree, I shouldn't have reduced the bass so much in the eq.

I agree also, the amp is good for recording, practice.
I like the Katana, good tone, not as many options but decent tone.
I actually liked the tone in this clip. I can hear the plexi squish in it.