Marshall Evolution

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I really dont know a lot about the amp evolution post 800, not that i really have more than a rudimentary base of marshall as a whole. However, for those that were there, what happened after the 800?

I surmise marshall wanted to "compete" with the modders. Everyone seems to have their own take on when marshall died or sold out or whatever, but i am interested in everything, but particularly what i know least about: 900, 410, slx, 2000 etc
Chugg says the SLX practically died for our sins. That’s why it is so worshipped.



Only a panty wearing n00b twink will disagree of course. Or people who pick like toddlers. Or don't know how to operate a master volume in conjunction with a gain & sensitivity knob. Or don't know how to install bridge rectifier. Or probably play it with the super hot bias it comes stock with along side old ass tubes. The list is endless as to why guys can't use a tool correctly if I'm being completely honest here. 💀

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Only a panty wearing n00b twink will disagree of course. Or people who pick like toddlers. Or don't know how to operate a master volume in conjunction with a gain & sensitivity knob. Or don't know how to install bridge rectifier. Or probably play it with the super hot bias it comes stock with along side old ass tubes. The list is endless as to why guys can't use a tool correctly if I'm being completely honest here. 💀
You’re a weird, loud mouthed, mega opinionated and polarizing dude. You fit in perfectly here at RT. I’m starting to like you.
Marshall was arguably competing with the modders already in the 80's with the split channel 2210/2205 800's and then the Silver Jubilee.

The 900s for sure we're carrying that on, as both the SLX and Mkiii have preamp similar to a 2203, but with and extra tube gain stage in the SLX and diode clipping in the mkiii. The High gain dual reverb is a different animal, as that is one gain stage and the rest is a network of diodes and op-amps.

With the 2000's, I mean....all you have to do is look at their names: "dual super lead" and "triple super lead" to know who they were trying to compete against. Ironically, they can do some serviceable Marshall tones in Crunch mode (800-ish) and lead 1 (hot 800), but their "modern" features meant to make the amp hang with Rectos, like the deep switch, mid cut/shift and lead 2 are pretty useless IMO.
This is a pretty decent visual for ya...


Before anyone gets on my ass, I didn't create it. And, it is fairly old. Notice there is no JVM or any of the smaller lunch box dirivitives or anything from the past 10 years really. :dunno:
Had an SL-X 2500 head I sold some months back. Ferocious beast of tones.

However, I have both DSL50 & DSL100 heads that I favor much more for their versatility. Fantastic cleans on the Green channel and cool tone shaping options on the Red channel. Boosting the front with an SD-1 and an EQ in the loop puts these amps right up there as my favorite Marshalls. Superb to run in stereo with my Boogies. 🤟
Marshall was arguably competing with the modders already in the 80's with the split channel 2210/2205 800's and then the Silver Jubilee.

The 900s for sure we're carrying that on, as both the SLX and Mkiii have preamp similar to a 2203, but with and extra tube gain stage in the SLX and diode clipping in the mkiii. The High gain dual reverb is a different animal, as that is one gain stage and the rest is a network of diodes and op-amps.

With the 2000's, I mean....all you have to do is look at their names: "dual super lead" and "triple super lead" to know who they were trying to compete against. Ironically, they can do some serviceable Marshall tones in Crunch mode (800-ish) and lead 1 (hot 800), but their "modern" features meant to make the amp hang with Rectos, like the deep switch, mid cut/shift and lead 2 are pretty useless IMO.
This, exactly.

By 86 the 2205/10s were as good as any modded Marshall, imo. They had deep lows, though not Mesa Mark lows but still more than a 2203/4; and the gain way up was as good or more than a boosted 2203. Jubilees became a 'jose' style mod with a push/pull MV that, like a Jose, boosted the gain but lowered the vol when pulled. And, effects loops were put into all the 2205/10/Jubilees as well.
By the time the 900 line came out, they had more gain available but the quality/tone of the transformers went down a bit and they also started to shortcut the build quality leading to some repair issues. The shortcuts also led to the 900s just not sounding as 'full' or 'rich' as the previous 800s. This continued all the way up to today; with some exceptions in the 2203X, and plexi reissues.

If you play a pre 1990 Marshall, with a boost or having it modded, then play a 900, DSL the latter 2 will disappoint in comparison. Not to say they aren't good amps in their own right, they are....but they simply don't sound as good as the older 800s, JMPs.

You might get a few that disagree but the overwhelming majority of players will agree with me.
That Tetris ass graph confirms it....all tube Marshalls mediocre for metal 🤘
User error.

Last I checked, Exodus is pretty good, no? But, maybe that type of Metal isn't what you are referring to.

Since you use Wizards, and I've owned a MTL and an MC100, I can tell you with my 72 Superlead, a pedal or two in front is EASILY a sound that is as good or better than either Wiz I had. But, I like Marshall mids so there's that....Wizards don't have those.
Wizards ARE killer amps however. That is undeniable.
User error.

Last I checked, Exodus is pretty good, no? But, maybe that type of Metal isn't what you are referring to.

Since you use Wizards, and I've owned a MTL and an MC100, I can tell you with my 72 Superlead, a pedal or two in front is EASILY a sound that is as good or better than either Wiz I had. But, I like Marshall mids so there's that....Wizards don't have those.
Wizards ARE killer amps however. That is undeniable.
Bro I play a Valvestate and Peavey XXX 😂
Marshall was arguably competing with the modders already in the 80's with the split channel 2210/2205 800's and then the Silver Jubilee.

The 900s for sure we're carrying that on, as both the SLX and Mkiii have preamp similar to a 2203, but with and extra tube gain stage in the SLX and diode clipping in the mkiii. The High gain dual reverb is a different animal, as that is one gain stage and the rest is a network of diodes and op-amps.

With the 2000's, I mean....all you have to do is look at their names: "dual super lead" and "triple super lead" to know who they were trying to compete against. Ironically, they can do some serviceable Marshall tones in Crunch mode (800-ish) and lead 1 (hot 800), but their "modern" features meant to make the amp hang with Rectos, like the deep switch, mid cut/shift and lead 2 are pretty useless IMO.
I had no idea