Marshall Silver Jubilee



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This is an amp I have never played. Videos online sound like it might scratch the Marshall itch I have. How is the Reissue stuff? The original is 2x the money.
Any thoughts?
It's one of the more popular Marshalls from what I've seen, probably just behind JCM 800. I'd go with the reissue, if you like it, well enough you could always sell it and get the original.
I personally really like it. I set the bias to 70ma. Pretty sure this is measured off a pair of tubes.

The amp is pretty versatile and takes pedals really well.

Much better amp than a JCM900 or 2000 IMO.
One of the best Marshall I ever had. Especially w/ the V-30 loaded 4x12. I dialed in the Joe B settings and never really touched it.
Got some great Strat tones w/ the Jubilee RI.
Only thing I noticed was if you went past 2:00 on the Gain, it started to get messy and the guitar wouldn't clean up.
I kept the Gain from noon to 2:00 and hit it w/ a Maxon SD-9 for more gain.

I only have experience with the mini but if the reissue big boy is as good, it's worth it. Great clean channel. I liked outboard boosts with the gain better than the built in one.
Like Findthetone1, only the mini Jubillee but really dig it. I'd love the bigger amp or even a JCM 800 mini or similar. I'm starting to think that is my go to tone.
Try and play one before committing - a boosted 2203/4 sounds better to me than a Jube.
I agree with this, but Jubes (OG and RI) are still great amps.
They’re darker, smoother, with lower mids and more available low end than a 2203/4, but still Marshall af.
Ignore the diode clipping, it sucks. Set gain to 1 o’clock, hit it with a boost and it’s a killer.
I agree with this, but Jubes (OG and RI) are still great amps.
They’re darker, smoother, with lower mids and more available low end than a 2203/4, but still Marshall af.
Ignore the diode clipping, it sucks. Set gain to 1 o’clock, hit it with a boost and it’s a killer.
I've had 10 originals, and 1 2555x. The X is very close to the originals. Only difference is at high vol, where the OG does sound a bit better. The RI can also take any quad, or 2 different pairs of octal power tubes. 2 EL34s with 2 KT 88, 2 6L6 with 2 6550s, etc etc. Like Jeff said, they have more of an emphasis on the lower mids BUT can still bring the upper mid KERRANG when dialed brighter. The EQ is VERY responsive, almost like an active eq vs a typical Marshall eq response. A very good clean, as well with a nice loop.
Great amps...boosted, one particular 2554 combo I had was as good as a Cameron 2203 I had at the time.
The reissues were being given away at one point due to being shipped with shit tubes and the bias being all over the place. I got one brand new from Sweetwater for $1000. Thought it sucked and was ready to give it away. Tossed in new tubes and st the bias around 76. Needless to say I’m glad I didn’t move it. It’s an absolute monster amp. Not going anywhere.
I got a reissue 100w for $1000 shipped and that was before eBay started charging sales tax. I got a 2553 for $1600 a few years ago, but didn't bond with it, sold it and made some money. The SJ is a siren song for me. I keep buying them, remembering why I got rid of the last one, sell it and rinse and repeat. Yesterday I almost got weak and grabbed another at the local GC.


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The other guys covered it well. I'd just say for me while it can kerrang, the 2203/4's just do that thing better when I've compared. While it has a much more shapable eq, stronger low mids and lows, again other amps IME also do that thing better, so what you get to me is a very good amp that can do a bunch of stuff well, but doesn't tick any box like 9/10 or more, which makes it not something I'd want for myself. I could see the right modded one maybe being something worthwhile though
I've had 10 originals, and 1 2555x. The X is very close to the originals. Only difference is at high vol, where the OG does sound a bit better. The RI can also take any quad, or 2 different pairs of octal power tubes. 2 EL34s with 2 KT 88, 2 6L6 with 2 6550s, etc etc. Like Jeff said, they have more of an emphasis on the lower mids BUT can still bring the upper mid KERRANG when dialed brighter. The EQ is VERY responsive, almost like an active eq vs a typical Marshall eq response. A very good clean, as well with a nice loop.
Great amps...boosted, one particular 2554 combo I had was as good as a Cameron 2203 I had at the time.
This^ one of the best amps i have heard period was a little jube combo from the 80's
I have the 100W reissue and it's a really great amp. Nice thrashy tones through the G12EVH and also V30. Now I don't miss my 2203 at all, which I stupidly sold and immediately regretted.
I've had 10 originals, and 1 2555x. The X is very close to the originals. Only difference is at high vol, where the OG does sound a bit better. The RI can also take any quad, or 2 different pairs of octal power tubes. 2 EL34s with 2 KT 88, 2 6L6 with 2 6550s, etc etc. Like Jeff said, they have more of an emphasis on the lower mids BUT can still bring the upper mid KERRANG when dialed brighter. The EQ is VERY responsive, almost like an active eq vs a typical Marshall eq response. A very good clean, as well with a nice loop.
Great amps...boosted, one particular 2554 combo I had was as good as a Cameron 2203 I had at the time.
Wait… what now??
I have the 100W reissue and it's a really great amp. Nice thrashy tones through the G12EVH and also V30. Now I don't miss my 2203 at all, which I stupidly sold and immediately regretted.
Earlier when i was referring to the little combo being one of the best amps i ever heard, it was being played into my evh 412. I know everyone is v 30 with these guys, but the evh speaker is tita
The initial Jubilee series were difficult to sell.
I remember when the Reissues were blown out for $1000.
I picked up a new 1/2 stack for $1800.
I didn't like it. My JMP 2204 and JJ100 were much better. So was the Runt 50.

I also had a Slash Sig. I prefer a boosted 2203 2204. The Jubs don't krang as much, sound kinda congested murky in comparison.
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