Mattias Jabs = Criminally Underrated!

Scott Ians Beard

New member
Ive always been a big fan of Mattias, but only today have I truely appreciated what he can do. This guy is criminally underrated. He manages to blend melody and technique perfectly. Ill get to see them for the third time in the summer, im really pumped!

Today Ive been learning songs for a summer cover band project, on todays list was "Bad Boys running wild." Normally I wouldnt play a solo note for note, but the chords under that solo are a real BITCH, at least for me. No matter what I tried, I couldnt get anything to sound good. Mattias came up with the goods! He deserves much respect for this one alone, yet alone the countless other classics he has played over the years. Yet the majority seem to rag on him cos he isnt Michael Schenker or Uli John Roth :thumbsdown:
I agree. His style really fit well with the scorps. Only thing I didn't like was they way they combined his leads with Klaus's vocals. This was mostly the Blackout and Hurricane albums and it's hard to explain, but there were several up-tempo songs where there was a ton of lead work, and at the same time, Klaus would be singing something.
Mattias Jabs is the man. Always playing something tasty/techie and always a smile on his face. Makes it look easy. I hate that guy! j/k That guy is what rock 'n roll is all about. Tearing it up and having a great time doing it.

He is an amazing player. One thing for sure,
he wasn't playing shread cliche's that all the other
rivetheads were copying at the times.
Him, Ule, MS, and RS are all badass guitar players!
I love those guys.
i hate mathias :D
i play lead guitar in an 80s metal cover band and we cover everything from mr. crowley to queen of the reich...believe it or not, the most challenging solo of the night is the "rock you like a hurricane" life would be so much easier if i didn't have to play that...

mathias is one of my favorites
It's Matthias guys.

I have the World tour Live DVD(1991). If you focus/follow along with Matthias' playing/tone, it's really something. There is always something going on in the background (lead fills, then some rhythm, pinched notes, shredding) etc. Well, at least thats the way I'd describe it.

I see on the Scorps' website, that they are finishing up the mix on a new album to be released in May, and are going to be joined by Uli and Michael on some dates in Europe.

If your wondering how to pronounce his name, I ran into a bass player locally that's played with the scorpions, and he didn't know how to pronounce his name, and Matthias said it's pronounced as "ma-ti-as"<---silent H< "Hobs".
awesome player.... for commercial hard rock it probobly doesnt get any better... his tone just seems to sustain for ever...
One of my favorites for sure and I couldnt agree more on the Criminally underrated. I read a review where Rudy Schenker described him as a cross between his 2 favorite players, EVH and his Brother Michael...

He has boatloads of Balls and attitude and theres just so much excitement to his solos. They are anything but run of the mill and he has an extremely unique approach thats all his own.

When I first started, He was one of my biggest inspirations and after about 3 years, I had nailed alot of the solos on Blackout. My band is covering the Scorps version of Cant Explain and the solos in that are a bitch!!! theres a tone of weirdness in there and Im at the point of giving up and doing my own thing...

Matthias is the goods and his tone ranks as one of my faves...
In reading a forum discussion over at the bareknuckle pickup forum, the question was asked which model would get close to the Scorps tone.

"Cold Sweat" seemed to be one of the most popular answers. It's stated the pickup Rudy/Matthias use costs some $$(Dommenget guitars-'The Musclebucker'). I have no clue if that's true or not......

Link: Not very many responses in the thread unfortunately.
Speaking of Matthias, there's some interesting bootlegs here, with additional forum discussion on Matthias and Schenker (michael). Haven't listened to the Tokyo show on this link, but d'loading it now.
he is good not schenker but good. they were using engl before the internet