Memorial Day remembrance ...Thank You to all our current and former military personnel!

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Kinda feel odd on these days. I just relax. Was active 13 years. Assigned to security for 5 years of that. Patrol during Saudi war. After ‘War was over’. Bullshit. Fucking bad guys were out there still. Insurgents. They sent me and 2 other guys out. No questions. Kill them. Well we got the word. They were out house bouncing. Raping kids. Out to get the make shift base we were at. Nothing more then a tent city. Well we got the word. Kicked in the door. 30 seconds. They had a head. Then the my didnt. I ended up taking a bullet in the chest. Bounced off my Kevlar vest. Didn’t know I was hit. Adrenaline rolling. Then felt the burn. Looked down. Blood. Here’s the battle wound. Never really talk this. But fuck I’m 51. Just getting things off ‘my chest’. Haha


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Kinda feel odd on these days. I just relax. Was active 13 years. Assigned to security for 5 years of that. Patrol during Saudi war. After ‘War was over’. Bullshit. Fucking bad guys were out there still. Insurgents. They sent me and 2 other guys out. No questions. Kill them. Well we got the word. They were out house bouncing. Raping kids. Out to get the make shift base we were at. Nothing more then a tent city. Well we got the word. Kicked in the door. 30 seconds. They had a head. Then the my didnt. I ended up taking a bullet in the chest. Bounced off my Kevlar vest. Didn’t know I was hit. Adrenaline rolling. Then felt the burn. Looked down. Blood. Here’s the battle wound. Never really talk this. But fuck I’m 51. Just getting things off ‘my chest’. Haha

Thank you for sharing that and thank you for doing what was needed and taking one to the chest. Thank you for wearing the vest too :yes:
Yeah it haunts me daily when I take a shower. Scar still hurts. But yeah we opened fire blew them bastards hears off. Wasnt like Ramibo. Nothing glorious. Lasted like 30 seconds. Never bothered me until last 10 years. Don’t dwell on it. It just hits me when i sleep. Can’t get more than 90 minutes. Eyes pop open. Then awake like 2 hours. Fall asleep. 90 minutes. Again. Really hard to work sometimes. Physically exhausted all the time.
Yeah if wasnt wearing that vest. I would of been dead. Bullet hit the corner of it then bounced off sliding down side chest.
^ bro, your back must be hurting from carrying around those massive balls you have. Thx for your service.
Dude those guys are the real hero’s to me. I could not imagine fighting in it back then.
My hats off to them. We had way more technology when I was in and I know it’s progressed since my days.
My neighbor was a helicopter pilot in Namm,
So yesterday me & my son mowed and cleaned up his yard while he was out ridin’ his Harley with his girlfriend.
I call it “Serve The Servants” Day.
My neighbor is that guy who helps everyone on the street.
Well shit, he could use a load takin’ off too!
We help people who help other people,
my favorite kind to sacrifice for.
My son learned a lot yesterday, we both did.
My neighbor was a helicopter pilot in Namm,
So yesterday me & my son mowed and cleaned up his yard while he was out ridin’ his Harley with his girlfriend.
I call it “Serve The Servants” Day.
My neighbor is that guy who helps everyone on the street.
Well shit, he could use a load takin’ off too!
We help people who help other people,
my favorite kind to sacrifice for.
My son learned a lot yesterday, we both did.
Good on you man!
Your actions prove to me that there might just be a glimmer of hope for humanity in this God Forsaken world.

I met a Vietnam Vet in Phoenix Arizona in 1990, he was in the same apartment complex, visited with him when I saw him around. He was a cool cat, gave me a tow rope for messing around out in the desert. I will never forget his wind breaker that had his name and unit on it, and in bold letters said:

"I know I'm going to heaven because I've already been to hell"
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